I don't ..not a fan of a monthly fee and besides, a new guildwars is coming out in a month. :P
yeah I am not a fan of the monthly fee either but my counter-strike friends all started playing so I am giving it a try, its quite fun with a group..I've never played guild wars but hear its cool
played with a bunch of personal friends, had a 60 priest on Bleeding Hollow, and a 60 warlock on Mug'Thol, both horde; we all cancelled for about 5 months since it got very boring, but recently resubscribed since expansion time is soon (I still regret resubscribing so soon since it's still likely a couple months away and I don't have any real desire to play right now - coupled with the fact that yeah it does cost $15/month)
I play on stormscale, I have a level 43 warrior on it. I've been playing for a while, but am an extremly casual player.
Me and my roommmate just bought it last night. I've always wanted to try it, so we finallly gave in. I've played a few MMO's before but just playing this game a little bit, it already seems special. We're on Echo Isles.

And about Guildwars. I like that it doesn't cost per month, but it just doesn't feel like an MMO, so it got boring. Nice graphics though.
I've been playing a while but i'm also a very casual player. I have a 31 human warrior on Barthlias (Spelling).
I'll check out the servers ya all mentioned, the one i've been playing in is so over crowded sometimes. I usually use the name chickenbitch, crazy chicken or Anaujiram depending on whats taken and whats not so if ya see those names it could be me :kickass: