Wrist sponge for guitar players

Brett - K A L I S I A

Dreaded Moderator
Feb 26, 2004

Do you ever wear things like that ? You know, like tennis players or something. I see a lot of bands wearing them, and I think I find myself being more enduring when wearing them (less fatigue) but I'm wondering how much of a placebo effect this has or if this is true (and why), and if it's true, would better ones (like those in pharmacy) have a better impact... Or does it just look cool ? ;)
It does makes a difference in terms of endurance(at least for me it is). Especially that I finger pick my bass. Its like having a "tension" to hold my wrist/arm muscles.

I guess for guitar players, it'll be the same.

Besides, it makes you look more metal! And convenient enough to wipe those sweat off your forehead. :heh:
I use one on the picking hand too. First it was because it helped to keep
the bridge a bit cleaner from all the sweat and then I found out it supports
my wrist pretty well regarding my playing endurance.
And yes, it looks kinda cool too ;-)
Im only using my sweatbands for what they were intended for...
Learned the lesson to have them after having used the palm of my hand to wipe sweat from my face a couple of times, you cant hold on to shit after that
The only time I don't wear "wrist sponges" (lol fucking frenchy) on stage is if I'm too drunk to remember to put them on. I have definitely had problems in the past with them being too tight and constricting. They slowed me down, especially on faster downpicking stuff. Then I just got the 'magnum' size haha and all my problems went away.
Haha, what is wrong with "wrist sponge" ? What does it mean ? lol ;)
About the sweat, those things (I'm afraid to call them wrist sponges again) can't prevent it, unless I have that in the palm of my hand (sometimes when I play there are actual drops of sweat falling from my hands - it's nice for the left hand, but for the right one it can be a problem).
Dude, I even wear bandanas in Daniel-san fashion or headbands to keep sweat out of my fuckin eyes when drumming a metal set... you need to... it burns bad.
I don't wear those things because I don't tend to sweat much, but i see the advantage of it... I wear those girly hair ties to keep my hair out of my face, unless I want it flying around, in which case no ties.