Writer wanted for Metal Covenant


New Metal Member
Jul 24, 2004
Metal Covenant webzine is once again on the hunt for a new writer/reviewer - male or female, from any part of the world. We would like to see your qualifications and assets be the following:

* Very good knowledge about metal. First of all the power och heavy genre, but also insight in more traditional hardrock and death/black is of interest.
* Ability to express yourself well in the english language, both in writing and orally.
* Dedication to the task, and ability to work under organised forms.
* Ability and will to work during a long period of time. We prefer not taking on persons that drop off after 2 months.
* Also desirable, but not required: You should have good knowledge in HTML, at minimum, and be able to run and update the website. Not full time, though - only when the normal webmaster for various reasons are absent or just not able to update.

Send some information about yourself and please include at least 1 review you have written to the email address below. We are also looking for persons that attend live concerts frequently in any part of the world, and can write reviews of the shows. Preferrably with pictures of good quality included.

Note: This is purely on a hobby basis, and the only payment we can offer is promo cd's of desired genre every once in a while, and the opportunity to get in contact with musicians by phone or mail, as well as in person, every once in a while for interviews. Persons that can't commit 100% to this, and feel that they are not able to spend time with this during a long period of time, are better off not wasting to time to apply.

Experience from similar work in the past is of course a merit.
