Writers wanted for webzine


New Metal Member

If you like music in general and metal in particular and want to help us maintain the high quality we have today in the future as well then it would be a good idea to join our crew of journalists. Since we started out in the year 2000 we have now grown to become one of the world leading online media dealing with extreme music with an average of 1500 unique visitors a day. That doesn't mean that we can't improve though and we are always on the search for new staff members. Don't take the lists below too serious, this is what we are searching extra hard for at the moment but everyone else is certainly still welcome. We are especially looking for new contributors in the following geographic areas:

  • the German speaking countries
  • Spain
  • Italy
  • England
  • Holland
  • Scandinavian countries except for Sweden
  • Easter Europe
  • North America, especially West and East Coast USA
  • South America
  • Australia / New Zealand and surroundings
  • Asia
  • Africa

We are also especially looking for writers with an interest in the following genres:

  • Hard rock, AOR, progressive rock
  • Power / progressive metal
  • Gothic music / darkwave / neo-folk
  • Nu-metal
  • Classical music

>> What will you be doing as part of our staff?
Wll, that is pretty much up to you. Of course the most important areas to cover for us are interviews, reviews and various articles. You can also write show reviews, festival reports, more philosophical or way of life articles which do not have really to be linked to metal. The alternatives are numerous. In addition we need help with news, band features, tour dates etc. Your own suggestions are also most welcome. We could use some designers and programmers as well.

>> What will you get for helping out?
As Tartarean Desire is a non-profit publication without any income whatsoever we can not pay any of our staff members for the work they put in. You will however get free cds and free entrance to local shows in your area (that is only if you write a review of course).

>> What does it take to join us?
That is hard to tell as you will be evaluated as an individual and not on an already set scale. You don't have to like all genres Here is however a list of general qualities which you should possess to be part of our team. You should:

  • be fluent in the English language
  • have a good knowledge in the history of the genre
  • know today's scene pretty well
  • be at least 15 years of age
  • have access to the internet on a regular basis

If you think you would be interested in joining us feel free to send us an e-mail to tartareandesire@yahoo.com. It would help if you could send an article or review that you have written as well.