Writing Guitar Parts Without Guitarist


Sep 29, 2009
Hey guys, I know most of you are very good with instruments, including guitar, however, I'm just 'decent' at guitar, and besides recording basic rhythm and chugs, I'm not very useful when it comes to laying down tracks. I'm wondering if there is a plug-in specifically for writing guitar parts, so they can be played and recorded live later by someone with more talent than myself.

I'm sure Guitar Pro is going through a lot of your heads, but I like writing in Cubase. However, I can't really see myself using the piano roll to write guitar parts...a tablature layout (maybe within a plugin?) would seem to be more efficient.

I'd appreciate any suggestions.
Dude i'm in the same boat, i've found the only way to do this is using Powertab to write, then gettin a mate to record the riffs i can't pull off tight enough on my own...
I like tabit alot for jotting down the basics. I tend to forget anything i write within a day so once i get the idea in my head i put it into tabit and then just build off of that...but tabit is basically the same thing as guitar pro isnt it
yeah tabits pretty good, i've just used powertab for so long, i have like tuning presets...

good way to do it, work out the layers you're putting together
Dude i'm in the same boat, i've found the only way to do this is using Powertab to write, then gettin a mate to record the riffs i can't pull off tight enough on my own...

Yeah, it's just that by doing this, I'm almost writing the song twice, and constantly moving in and out of Cubase. I do drums, synth, effects, etc... in Cubase, and have no experience doing them or anything else in GP, or Power tab.

I just want to hear it all at one time without having to move from Cubase to another editor constantly.