WTB: Small Mixer and affordable/decent DI, preferably in Spain or EU


Santa Hat Forever
This is half a "what to get" and half a post to see if anybody has any decent DI box they´re looking to get rid of. Budget is very low for both things, but I really don´t need something too great. The mixer can be pretty much anything, a small behringer thingy you want to get rid of or something, I need it mainly for feeding click, backing tracks and monitor feed for the drummer, and the DI box would also be part of the backing track equipment (to send the backing track to the PA) but also to record, so I don´t wanna just get the super cheap Behringer things that will in the end make the quality of my DI tracks go down. I´m still not sure if this should be in equipment or Gear for sale, but since I´m being specific and I´m also hoping I could find this used for cheaper than in Thoman plus shipping I´m gonna put it here.