wtf... Phasing rhythms


Apr 5, 2003
Hey, I hoooked up the high quality speakers and played back my new MP3s with the new guitar recordings on them, and it sounds like the guitar rhythms are "phasing" like a literal phaser effect on the rhythm, but I didn't put one on there. It's like the high end gets lower and lower until it dissapears into the mid-section of the tone.

It's almost like one of the rhythms fades out, because the amp'd one is more bassy and the other one is the higher, more "scratchy" tone. Well what the hell? I know I recently asked about crossfading but this seems like something completely differn't. Is it because my tone recordings are using the same frequencies or is it from my microphone or latency or stuff? o_O
If it sounded okay before, then it's the MP3 conversion...cymbals and other things phase a lot under such codecs.

Not trying to offend...are your monitors in phase? I had a room mate that was showing me some killer drums on an album and I noticed they didn't pan right...the black lead was in the red happens.
Not trying to offend...are your monitors in phase? I had a room mate that was showing me some killer drums on an album and I noticed they didn't pan right...the black lead was in the red happens.

Yeah, that's what it sounds like it could be.
It would really suck if the phasing was caused by a slight movement of the microphone while I was recording... is that possible at all? I think if that were to actually happen, the take would be much more screwed up than a sinking frequency. I don't have monitors but my speakers are very high quality and I trust them a lot. I ran out of time to work with this stuff because I'm at college now, but what I'm thinking is that maybe the tones were too similar and used the same frequencies.... maybe they are somehow working against each other or something.

I mean, you can FEEL the difference when the rhythms become darker, and then a new set comes in and it's like, BOOSH, totally bright sounding and maybe seems louder. There aren't too many heavy parts on the new CD but still, it would suck if they were messed up and couldn't be fixed. :D