WTN - Rotting In Pestilence


OneMetal.com Music Editor
WTN - Rotting In Pestilence
Razorback Records - RR24 - 2004
By Philip Whitehouse


If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then presumably the amount of copycat praise received by goregrind sickos Carcass should have made them all insufferably egotistical a long time ago. I mean, what other band inspires clones from all corners of the globe, and fans who devour everything that these carbon copy grind-merchants put out? The latest entrant in the queue to fellate Bill Steer and co. are Singaporean psychos WTN, whose opus Rotting In Pestilence (RIP - geddit? No, I didn't laugh either) rates at around the same level of hero-worship as labelmates The County Medical Examiners.

If Carcass had put out an album before Necroticism, but after Symphonies Of Sickness, this is almost undoubtedly what it would have sounded like - chaotic, blurred grind with a muffled, pillows-over-the-amps production but a noticeable quantity of rabid ferocity, occasionally shot through with hints of actual structure in the songs. Some of the riffs are pretty catchy, and the omnipresent wailing, creepy leads provide a nice counterpoint to the constant steamroller battery of the rhythm section.

Lyrically, WTN go for more of a 70s gore movie vibe than the more usual 'random outpourings from Gray's Anatomy' approach other goregrind acts prefer. And, of course, the album is liberally sprinkled with samples from eye-wateringly violent horror movies - y'know, just to set the tone. So, in general, this is highly accomplished, yet highly generic and wholly redundant goregrind. If you're a fan of the genre, you'll love it to pieces - if, however, you're not too big on goregrind and you already own a couple of Carcass albums, there's not gonna be much to interest you here.


WTN Official Website
Razorback Records website