Wuss Music


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
So I'm in the drivethru at Del Taco a few minutes ago (breakfast burrito fix, I was starving) and I'm listening to the radio, Smashing Pumpkins - Disarm was on. As I'm nearing the window I see a young hottie working the front and I quickly think "I better put Edge of Sanity back on, don't want her to think I'm a wuss." Had to laugh at myself that I even thought that, and I left Smashing Pumpkins on.

So do felllow metalheads think that an image must be maintained that we don't listen to anything but the loudest and most violent music? You don't see too many Yanni shirts at Nile concerts, but there may be a few in the crowd who own his entire collection.
i only listen to the truest of black metal

bryan adams

me too ... i am tr00
Heheh...I play around with this quite a bit, say to people "I can't be caught listening to Poison - I'm a Metalhead!". It disappoints me sometimes when people miss the joke and say "Oh, you should be able to listen to whatever you want..."

My friends are used to me wearing my favourite True Metal bands as badges of honour, and my closer friends know that occasionally my taste will wierd out into something...distinctly non-Metal. But it has lead to some nasty surprises...I remember one time awhile back we turned on some music TV the morning after a party...and my friends were very shocked to hear me singing along to Wham! :D
Listen, if I was after some hot chick, I'm hardly going to tell her that I've got some Naglfar and Marduk back at my place. I was thinking about patenting a design for a "CD swapper" button: At home, you can have all your metal CDs in a rack, but if you've managed to pull some non-metal chick back at your place, all you'd need to do is push the button and all the CD's get swapped out magically for trendy stuff like Dave Mathews Band and maybe some Bach to show off some level of sophistication. Yes, I know I'm a sellout but this is the punani we're talking about, so 'it's not like I sold out that badly'. :lol:
Yeah but Erik, everyone in Sweden likes metal. And we all know Swedish chicks are teh rock. The rest of the world, metal fans are the outcasts and dweebs. Do you know what shame it would bring us if we all suddenly confessed to liking Manowar?
Erik said:
I hope you realize how painfully wrong that is... :p
OK so there might be some leftover ABBA fans, but the rest of the country all listen to metal, watch classic porn, and work in a telecommunications company of sorts, no?
JayKeeley said:
Yes, I know I'm a sellout but this is the punani we're talking about, so 'it's not like I sold out that badly'. :lol:

The trick is finding a girl who likes Iron Maiden and Deep Purple...like I just managed to do ^_^ I'm also slowly working on converting two others to Judas Priest and it's off to a good start...
All blondes too.

:lol: JayKeeley is saying "teh" now...

I broke in my girlfriend with Heartwork-era Carcass, but I remember the first time she heard death metal she almost freaked. I drove her home about 2 miles blasting Cradle of Filth without thinking about it, and when we pulled up to her driveway I looked over and she had this look of terror on her face, haha. Fast foward three years and she was listening to Goatsblood with me the other night. Her comment: "this CD isn't very happy honey," but I think she kinda liked it... very little though. :)
JayKeeley said:
OK so there might be some leftover ABBA fans, but the rest of the country all listen to metal, watch classic porn, and work in a telecommunications company of sorts, no?
Correct. And don't forget the polar bears on the streets.


^ Genuine Swedish sign... Err... In English...
NAD said:
Fast foward three years and she was listening to Goatsblood with me the other night. Her comment: "this CD isn't very happy honey," but I think she kinda liked it... very little though. :)
Pull a chick with Goatsblood and you know something's gotta be wrong. If she says she likes it, you'll wake up in the morning with your scrotum resting on your forehead and a steaming turd sitting on your chest. She wouldn't even leave a note.

I mean, lets face it, it's not like the *average* metal chick works out much or watches the calories. Compare chicks lining up outside a trendy nightclub to chicks lining up to go see Saxon. Who told them that they can get away with wearing belly shirts when they've got a dart players beer gut?
:lol: x12 or maybe even x13.

I would never consider my woman a metal chick, but she does seem to like the extreme stuff when I'm around. Not a big growled vocal fan (except maybe Opeth), but I don't think any women really are.
Pull a chick with Goatsblood and you know something's gotta be wrong. If she says she likes it, you'll wake up in the morning with your scrotum resting on your forehead and a steaming turd sitting on your chest. She wouldn't even leave a note.
Not for nothing, but I never liked Metal Chicks ... I like my chicks feminine. Actually Metal Chicks are an automatic turnoff for me. I tell them I like metal and my CD collection is on full display ... but it also contains dance music, classic rock and some newer pop bands.

Metal just would not sound very "extreme" if I didn't balance it off with wuss music ... I am 32 for God's sake :)
NAD said:
Fast foward three years and she was listening to Goatsblood with me the other night. Her comment: "this CD isn't very happy honey," but I think she kinda liked it... very little though. :)

Compare chicks lining up outside a trendy nightclub to chicks lining up to go see Saxon. Who told them that they can get away with wearing belly shirts when they've got a dart players beer gut?

Omigod, you guys crack me up!!!!
JayKeeley said:
Pull a chick with Goatsblood and you know something's gotta be wrong. If she says she likes it, you'll wake up in the morning with your scrotum resting on your forehead and a steaming turd sitting on your chest. She wouldn't even leave a note.
I keep reading this and laugh more each time, we're up to :lol: x20 at least.

I think it goes without saying that my collection is full of a TON of wuss music, I assume most have picked up on that though. :)
lurch70 said:
Not for nothing, but I never liked Metal Chicks ... I like my chicks feminine. Actually Metal Chicks are an automatic turnoff for me.
I go to a metal gig, and I'm thinking, "beeyatch! don't you be looking in the mirror before you leave yo momma's house?". Or something like that. The best looking chick I ever saw at a metal gig was at a Lacuna Coil show, and she was up on stage.