www.YouTube.com/DavidYpres - Subscribe!

David Gold

Son of the Darkest Blues
Feb 20, 2004
No hometown, Ontario.

For those registered Youtube users with accounts, keep informed when I add new videos by going to www.youtube.com/DavidYpres and subscribing!

As of right now, I have some recent Woods live stuff from the November tour, some GATES OF WINTER stuff from the summer, lots live NECRAMYTH videos from Korea, and some old WOODS stuff (...the little that I have). I plan to be more active with this Youtube page in the future.


DG - \w/ :kickass:
I'll be posting some old WOODS OF YPRES video-gems this week, taken from the dusty old VHS tapes (thanks to Bryan B. for the video editing work)!

Here's one that's never been seen before, until now:

Please enjoy and pass it on! Thanks!

DG - \w/
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Awesome! :)

You have any videos of that Victoria show at the Lucky last year?

We do, we have the whole show actually. However, I honestly haven't even looked at it yet. That will be a project for this summer. I plan to go through all those videos from last year, post the best live songs and then edit and compile the rest of the highlights into something watchable, as a whole, indy documentary style.

Soon! :kickass:
I think I subscribed. If I haven't I will now.

I'll check out the new uploads tonight.

And I look forward to your "indy documentary style" compilation!
Finally going through all our tour video from last summer... Posted some show stuff on YouTube tonight:

Lots more to come, both more show stuff and some hilarious 'off stage' moments. :)

DG - \w/
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I put this together two days ago... then my hard drive crashed yesterday... then I got a new hard drive... and so then I put this together again, version 2.0:

It's an action packed "best of", consisting of highlights from NECRAMYTH's headlining performance on a million dollar stage (w/ lights, screens and effects) at the "Korea Happy Metal" festival, September 2007.

Setbacks... now we're back on track. :) Enjoy!

DG - \w/
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