
Sep 12, 2002
...if you ever get to read this

i am okay and tried to call/message you numerous times right around 6pm. i'm still totally worried.

luckily, my friend's BF lives in NJ so i am currently there. we waited outside the port authority and then penn st for hours, finally around 10 they had limited NJ transit stuff up and running...

i hope you made it home today and read this tomorrow.

shit is fucked!
today for nick should totally be a stay at home and bake cookies with a gas oven day.

and then prepp should get summa da cookies and be safe. hope freddy ate lots of carrots so he can see in the dark.
dude, my ELECTRIC JUST CAME BACK ON. i had no cell phone... no internet... so i couldnt get in touch with you! i was bummed. but anyway, glad yr okay. i sent you like 6,000 messages (an estimate) i had to walk home from west 24th street to franklin ave & eastern parkway.
3 hours!
i know, i know, i hated to think of you walking back alone. we were probably in the vicinity just when you were leaving work BUT i always forget where your building is.

i returned all of those mssgs and watch them appear like a deluge 3 days from now

they were showing the post office across from penn all day. that's where we were for most of last night. the fucking port authority was scary shit around 6 pm or so. i'm happy i didn't fall asleep on those post office steps because the news cameras were stuck right in the faces of the people that did.

i can't fucking believe penn AND GCT didn't offer any accomodations for anyone. nuthin.

this one woman fell asleep on the giant flat railing/precipice next to where we were standing. she woke up and got down in a hurry, snagging her skirt on the real wrought-iron railing closer to us. she almost fell. i guess she saw cockroaches scurrying around when the news spotlight swung by

jake, thanks. josh, thnx. chupe, yes, but i just got home and fuck
jesus dude. what a racket. i wish you had been able to come to our apartment! the rastsa restaurant across the street had a generator and at least they snuck me in the back and gave me some rice and a blast of the ac. my feet have blisters like, ON THE BOTTOMS. i wore non-walking shoes!
11:18 pm update:

where i am housesitting now, i am apparently out of range and can't text you

thus, to answer your question: i loved it.

how was souen?
oh okay i thought you blew me off!!! hahaha. well i had a good nite. i had a very good night.
i also got a veggie tofu pita which ruled.
i just hung out with my friend leonardo and walked around, and sat in the park, and then he came over and played with fred and stuff. it was good.
how long are you house-sitting?
i don't want to leave but i'm probably going to eat dinner here an then go back. i feel bad for the quadraped, although if i had a choice i'd stay here for the rest of the week.

it worries me that i actually had decent sleep last night (well, 6 am this morning, actually). it made me realize i haven't slept well for 3 years or so.

is this L of DP zine?
i want a house too.
or at least i don't want to be homeless?

yes, it's l of DP fame.
you two *must* have talked at some point, no?

anyway... i tried nix. i tried to watch aguirre. but for the love of god, i couldn't. it was so slow. i ended up yelling 'JESUS FUCKING CHRIST THEY'RE SHOWING A 4 MINUTE SHOT OF THE MOVING RAPIDS... AGAIN!!!!!!' and slamming a pillow into my face.

i haven't the bold sense of concentration for it. i feel sort of like a lame ass now.


well, "no" to:

- ever conversing with L of DP. not once, ever!
- you as asshole
- 4 minute lingering river shots as bad. for me it drives a point home. i actually get sad when they show the river.

it's okay if you don't like it though. it does pick up as the movie progresses, if you ever want to give it a shot again.

it is painful to be back here. i want to be in the country. in the woods. with quiet and cool breeze.

give a nostromo synopsis.
i will try to watch the movie again, the water was just making me visibly upset according to everyone else in the room, i was like 'it's all muddy! it's FREAKING OUT!!!' and then i'd slam the pillow over my face like it was a murder scene or something.... meh.

_nostromo_ is, insofar as i have read (which is not much) a story of a man who is obsessed with his father's burden of a mine and a corrupt government and a wife who's pretty awesome and this dude nostromo who is a totally suave guy that everyone thinks is the mack.
well, i can't swim and i almost drown when i was two. but i mean, most images of rivers don't bother me. i think i just couldn't handle the fact that it was so drawn out.