X-Mas Cards For Injured Soldiers


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Mar 29, 2003
Thanks to Orbweaver for passing on this great idea. I will definitely be sending one. I will also pass this on to family and friends. I feel no matter what you think of the war, if you are for or against it, the fact remains that these men and women fought for us. They got injured protecting us and a Christmas card is the least we can do.

This has been making the rounds...

When doing your Christmas cards this year, take one card and send it to this address. If we pass this on and everyone sends one card, think of how many cards these wonderful special people who have sacrificed so much would get.

A Recovering American Soldier
c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center
6900 Georgia Avenue NW
Washington D.C.
As most of you know my daughter Mary, who a lot of you met last year is getting married in Jan to one of the nicest, and greatest guys around Josh Smith. Josh will be deploying to IRAQ in April for his second tour. So keep him in your prayers also. It is great to see the PPfamily getting into the Christmas Cards for Wounded soldiers. I salute all who have done it or who will do it. These guys and gals deserve at least a Card from us.

Also, to let you know we here at the company i work for had a huge "Operation Santa Claus" benefit about 4 weeks ago(It is a benefit to raise money or toys for children of Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airmen who are deployed or can't afford them) We rasied a hell of a lot of money and received a ton or more toys. My praise and thanks go out to no other than Mr. Lance King and NIGHTMARE RECORDS for donation enough CDs and Tshirts and goodies to help make it a success.
As most of you know my daughter Mary, who a lot of you met last year is getting married in Jan to one of the nicest, and greatest guys around Josh Smith. Josh will be deploying to IRAQ in April for his second tour. So keep him in your prayers also.

Mary? Married?!!! Best wishes to her & the future hubby, and many prayers for his safe deployment & return!
Mary? Married?!!! Best wishes to her & the future hubby, and many prayers for his safe deployment & return!

Thanks my brother, she is very excited, yet a little apprehensive. especially with the deployment, but I did pass on the well wishes, and Mary says thanks big Brother.:rock::rock::rock:
John, I have a friend in the Austin area, that I can hook her up with, if you'd like.

That said, for those of you who want to do something, check military.com. They have links for various organizations that you can send gifts and get email addys from. I had several pen pals for a while, through one of them, but with my laptop out of commission I don't have the link readily available.