Hahahahha... he's just too amazing to be real and he knows it. His face is a combination of being a badass and knowing it and being happy about it at the same time.
Thanks for the compliments man! I used my Canon 550D (same as T2i) for all shots. To get super slow motion you need to shoot at 60 frames per second and your shutter speed should be as high as possible. I had it around 1/1000. Then you can easily slow it down with Twixtor but it only works with that shutter speed. To get that shutter speed working you'll need a lot of light. I had two 1000W lights around the girls. To give you a reference... it's twice a sauna so it was HOT!
I dare you to say that again after watching the uncensored version of
CEPHALIC CARNAGE - "Ohrwurm" on Youtube which is miraculously still there even if you do have to log in.
We're not prudes by any means... every movie made in Finland has bare boobs somewhere. But saying that it's x-rated-ish made you watch it right? Pervs...