actually it would be really interesting to try to draw or write with a flexile, non-rigid instrument.

and this gives a whole new dimension to falsetood's byline.
haha it's 4:17 and pencilskirt is still looming!

ps - nick, "pencil skirt" is just a type of skirt, one of those longish, narrow ones, like the kind the women wore in the 50's.

i was totally going to answer that, but screwdriverqueen got to it first!

nick, these things are necessary knowledge.
she's about the only thing good in Vertigo IMO.

besides the scenery maybe. one of my least favorite Hitchcock films. I totally don't understand why everyone jocks it.

the story is great; jimmy stewart is great (although a little old for novak); the filming is all hazy and dreamy like; the music is amazing; and kim novak is awesome. i think that makes for a great movie.

maybe goatschool is right about you!
tee hee.
I thought the story was blah.

I am a huge Jimmy Stewart fan though. Go see 'Rope' or 'Rear Window' instead. Or 'Harvey' or 'Anatomy of Murder' for that matter.
i've seen rope and rear window- they're both great.
saw anatomy of a murder a long time ago, but don't remember it.

it's not his best, but stewart is good in vertigo. i think it's one of my favorites because of the dreamy feel, the music, and the way the story ends.