X50, Legion, Lecto thru Real cab and miced up!

Hey guys, i did this just for fun

i profiled X50, Legion and Lecto with 808 but WITHOUT IMPULSE
later i played with them with my Kemper thru Real cab (monitor cab on!)
Sounded pretty nice, so i miced it up and recorded some testfiles :loco:

Legion really sounds best too me

Raw Sample one, just some shitty playthru 1. Legion 2. x50 3. Lecto

https://www.dropbox.com/s/elmrw5tvl3zwxed/Ampsim DI Test.mp3?dl=0

Raw Sample two: Legion again

https://www.dropbox.com/s/15kijzqvehz7afs/Ampsim DI Test 2.mp3?dl=0

Cab was a 2x12 Harley Benton V30 and a SM57 (cap edge)

cheerzs :headbang:
the legion sounds very nice. I love it. is there another way to play amp sims with real cabs? It's funny... yesterday I thought about it and as I look here I find this ;)