XBOX anyone?

Twisted Tony

Old School Metalhead
Mar 18, 2002
Bricktown, NJ
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Anyone here own an XBOX? They've got some great new games coming out this Christmas.

Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance
Mech Assault
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell
NFL Fever 2003
Blinx: The Time Sweeper
Star Wars: Jedi Outcast
X-Men: Next Dimension
James Bond 007: Nightfire

I played MKDA and it's fucking KILLER!!! The moves are very fliud and you can chose different fighting styles. Definitely worthy of the Mortal Kombat name!

Splinter Cell you just have to play to see how KICK ASS it is. You are a "black ops" agent sent into action when to other agents turn up missing. 14 levels of Stealth play. THis game blows Metal Gear away!!!

Mech Assault is very cool! I've been playing it alot. The graphics are very good. The single player game has you taking on enemy infantry, tanks and other Battle Mechs. You're running around cities trying to take each other out. Watching buildings collapse after you accidently blast them is a riot!

Check 'em out!
It would appear your tastes are somewhat... 'varied', to say the least..............


How you can mention Splinter Cell and MK:DA in the same sentence is quite beyond me. :confused:
Don't forget Shenmue II!! That game fucking owns. I'll probably get the new MK game. Jedi Outcast looks decent, and Blinx sucks IMO. The rest aren't really my type of game.
the only one I saw up there I liked was Mortal Kombat, maybe one of the others might be good but they look boring to me... I can't play sports video games... well Tony Hawk used to be fun but that's about the closest I got... I recently played Metal Gear: Substance. I got bored by it :ill: but I liked MGS for Playstation so maybe another time I might like it. The last truly interesting game I've played was Hitman 2 and that game fucking owned. You can dress up as other people and walk right past the fuckin enemy. Even right up in their faces and they'll just stand their confused for a minute. You get to go across the damn street from your target, get up in the building and blast their ass with a sniper rifle and walk away like nothing happened. I even walked into a party, strangled a maid and a general, then ran after the main target who had a briefcase, shot him in front of about 15 guards and ran off dodging gunfire LMAO! that was the best part of the fucking game. Everybody should play Hitman 2 that game fucking owns!
Originally posted by Twisted Tony
Anyone here own an XBOX? They've got some great new games coming out this Christmas.

Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance
Mech Assault
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell
NFL Fever 2003
Blinx: The Time Sweeper
Star Wars: Jedi Outcast
X-Men: Next Dimension
James Bond 007: Nightfire

I played MKDA and it's fucking KILLER!!! The moves are very fliud and you can chose different fighting styles. Definitely worthy of the Mortal Kombat name!

Splinter Cell you just have to play to see how KICK ASS it is. You are a "black ops" agent sent into action when to other agents turn up missing. 14 levels of Stealth play. THis game blows Metal Gear away!!!

Mech Assault is very cool! I've been playing it alot. The graphics are very good. The single player game has you taking on enemy infantry, tanks and other Battle Mechs. You're running around cities trying to take each other out. Watching buildings collapse after you accidently blast them is a riot!

Check 'em out!

This sounds Suspiciously like a promotional ad for mircosoft.....
I don't have the money to spend on games anymore. Although, my roommate said he might get a PS2 for Christmas. So, I'll try to convince him to buy a mod-chip so I can burn games for him. I paid $40 for a Playstation (even though it's outdated, I could care less) with a few games, memory cards, controllers, and a mod-chip. Everything I need to play for my minimal gaming needs...I just burn whatever games I want to play. Too bad I don't really care about games at all and don't have time, really.
Originally posted by GreatPhoenix
the only one I saw up there I liked was Mortal Kombat, maybe one of the others might be good but they look boring to me... I can't play sports video games... well Tony Hawk used to be fun but that's about the closest I got... I recently played Metal Gear: Substance. I got bored by it :ill: but I liked MGS for Playstation so maybe another time I might like it. The last truly interesting game I've played was Hitman 2 and that game fucking owned. You can dress up as other people and walk right past the fuckin enemy. Even right up in their faces and they'll just stand their confused for a minute. You get to go across the damn street from your target, get up in the building and blast their ass with a sniper rifle and walk away like nothing happened. I even walked into a party, strangled a maid and a general, then ran after the main target who had a briefcase, shot him in front of about 15 guards and ran off dodging gunfire LMAO! that was the best part of the fucking game. Everybody should play Hitman 2 that game fucking owns!

I forgot about Hitman 2. That games is very cool!