Xenith - Relative Angel (Progressive metal / alternative rock ?)


Sep 7, 2007
Montreal, Canada
Hey guys,

I'd like your comments/tips for this mix. It's pretty much a demo quality thing for a new project my friend started called Xenith. Most of the material is heavier prog-metal but this particular song has more of an alt rock vibe. I've mixed a few things here and there but I'd say this is probably only the second mix I've brought to this stage of completion.

Guitars were tracked with Guitar Rig 3 since I felt my Mesa wouldn't really fit, plus im terrible at micing it.


Tell me what you think! Thanks :D
Good song. The strings in intro sounds too digital, specially when chords change. You can work that, add more sustain. Here the real problem to me are on drums, seems to lifeless, try to humanize more the drums.