Xentrix has reunited!

I think it wouldve been morr of a cash grab had they done it years ago. But any band now that hasnt been axtive in 20 years is a cash grab; Oz, Onslaught, Exumer, Mortal Sin, etc.

Onslaught have been going at it for a long time. All these other bands are cash grabs. It isnt like these guys were sitting at home at 50 and saying...hhhmmmm you know what is burning in my heart....METAL!!! No, they are seeing other bands getting shows in festivals overseas and many look at a free trip to be treated like kings and getting a good paying show here and there. I would put 100 bucks down that if Ragnarokkr asked them to play they would want a lot of money...more than they are worth. Look how many bands have crawled out of the wood work in the past few years. Sure is is cool to see these bands again but nothing is worse when they try to release new stuff ad "update" thier sound, and it is so out of touch of what they used to do or even worthwhile that it kind of turns into a joke.

I hope I am wrong but I dont think they were all waiting for the right time ti strike again.
No Bob, you are wrong!!!
What are you going to say next?
Metal Church reunited for a free cruise and cash???

No, they did it because it "felt like the right time to do it"

Yeah, I've got a beef with that Bob. Beherit did not release "Engram" as a cash grab. That album, while still subtly holding incredible true to Beherit's roots, was a total departure from the rest of their discography. Beherit did not write "Engram" to please their fans, but to make a brand new statement in metal.

And in regards to another band coming back. I've heard about 4 tracks from the new Attacker album and I can honestly say that that has some special tracks on their certainly worthy of repeated listens.
Yeah, I've got a beef with that Bob. Beherit did not release "Engram" as a cash grab. That album, while still subtly holding incredible true to Beherit's roots, was a total departure from the rest of their discography. Beherit did not write "Engram" to please their fans, but to make a brand new statement in metal.

And in regards to another band coming back. I've heard about 4 tracks from the new Attacker album and I can honestly say that that has some special tracks on their certainly worthy of repeated listens.

I wouldnt say Attacker is making a comeback because they never really broke up. There last album was '06 and then Bob Mitchell has gone on and done his own thing and they finally found a singer. Attacker is just one of those bands that for some reason take forever to release another album, like Tool.

And my i dont know about that on Onslaught Bob, they were done for 18 years (89-07) and then they re-emerged when the thrash back. 2007 was primetime for the thrash revival. So they obviously came back then for cash grab.
Onslaught 100% is a cash grab.
As was any band who abandoned their original sound and then tried to come back to it.

Ummm. Remember a little band called Celtic Frost?