indieradioisdead: happy b-day
indieradioisdead: getting drunk and killing people tonight?
Nevermore191: covering a Ringwood Woman Voters Association meeting...*grumble*
indieradioisdead: wow... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Nevermore191: for seriously
Nevermore191: but then after that I'll just have my gf sit on my penis for 3 hours so it should equal it out
indieradioisdead: being posted
Nevermore191: fuck
indieradioisdead: hahaha
indieradioisdead: come on, you knew i would... i outed josh last night
Nevermore191: how so?
indieradioisdead: oh, you didn't see that thread?
Nevermore191: ?
Nevermore191: haha yeah I read that one
Nevermore191: this one proves I'm hetero what's the fun in posting?
indieradioisdead: mmm
indieradioisdead: crap
Nevermore191: oh...skooled
indieradioisdead: well, the fact that i first thought you said "Ringworm" might be funny
Nevermore191: I don't think your thoughts appear anywhere in the IM dialogue
indieradioisdead: but... but i can add it at the end
Nevermore191: unless you have like version 450.6 which I am not aware of
indieradioisdead: yea, i have to wear a helmet to us it
Nevermore191: like the downy kids on the short bus
indieradioisdead: yea
indieradioisdead: but this helmet has like wires and shit
Nevermore191: you're making this up
indieradioisdead: no no... i'll take a picture of it... i don't even have to use my hands to type
Nevermore191: there goes your "I'm a bad typer" excuse for mispelled words...the fact that you are a true-blue reatard is now in the open
indieradioisdead: well yes, i mean... no... i was just working out the bugs with the helmet
Nevermore191: backpedaling
indieradioisdead: no no... i'm still in the beta phase of helmet AIM
indieradioisdead: or HAIM as i call it
Nevermore191: what's the H for?
indieradioisdead: helmet
indieradioisdead: what, are you retarded?
Nevermore191: lame
indieradioisdead: psssshhh
Nevermore191: make it "cerebral" so you can call it CAIM....funnier x 3gajillion
indieradioisdead: done and done
Nevermore191: I just made you a cool 4 million
indieradioisdead: hottt
indieradioisdead: ok... NOW this is getting posted
Nevermore191: haha