Y-May Ory-Stay

Kvlt Wench

sews no mercy
Jun 23, 2003
San Francisco
Imagine-ay e-may elling-tay is-thay ory-stay in-ay an-ay anky-cray old-ay an-may oice-vay.

Once-ay ere-they as-way a-ay ittle-lay oy-bay amed-nay Eorgie-Jay. Eorgie-Jay ad-hay o-tay alk-way ive-fay iles-may in-ay e-thay ow-snay and-ay ice-ay o-tay et-gay o-tay ool-schay. One-ay ay-day Eorgie-Jay as-way alking-way o-tay ool-shcay, and-ay e-hay aw-say a-ay enny-pay on-ay e-they ound-gray. E-hay as-way ery-ve excited-ay ecause-bay e-hay eally-ray anted-way o-tay uy-bay a-ay ollipop-lay at-ay e-they andy-cay ore-stay. En-whay e-hay ent-whay o-tay e-they ounter-cay and-ay ied-tray o-tay uy-bay a-ay ollipop-lay, e-thay an-may at-ay e-thay ounter-cay aid-say "Ou-yay eed-nay enty-tway ents-say o-tay uy-bay a-ay ollipop-lay. If-ay ou're-yay ot-nay uying-bay anything-ay en-thay eave-lay!" Is-thay aid-may Eorgie-Jay ery-vay ad-say. E-hay arted-stay ying-cray. E-hay ied-cray and-ay ied-cray and-ay ied-cray. Eventually-ay e-thay anager-may ame-cay and-ay icked-kay Eorgie-Jay out-ay. O-say he-ay ust-jay ayed-stay outside-ay and-ay ied-cray ome-say ore-may. Ater-lay, e-hay ooked-lay at-ay is-hay atch-way and-ay ealized-ray at-thay e-he as-way o-tay ours-hay ate-lay or-fay ool-schay! Ut-bay, as-ay e-hay as-way alking-way, e-hay ound-fay entyfive-tway ents-say on-ay e-thay ound-gray. E-he an-ray all-ay e-thay ay-way ack-bay o-tay e-thay ore-stay. E-hay asked-ay or-fay a-ay ocolate-chay ollipop-lay. E-thay an-may at-ay e-thay ounter-cay aid-say "E-way only-ay ave-hay une-pray and-ay andalwood-say ollipops-lay eft-lay." Is-thay ade-may Eorgie-Jay extemely-ay upset-ay. E-hay ent-way outside-ay and-ay ied-cray or-fay another-ay our-hay. En-thay e-hay alked-way o-tay e-thay ext-nay andy-cay ore-stay, ich-whay as-way ee-thray iles-may away-ay. En-whay e-hay ot-gay ere-thay, ere-thay, ey-thay only-ay ad-hay apioca-tay avored-flay ollipops-lay. "Ith-way e-thay ittle-lay alls-bay in-ay em-thay!" added-ay e-thay an-may at-ay e-thay ounter-cay. O-say Eorgie-Jay as-way alking-way o-tay e-thay ext-nay ore-stay, en-whay e-hay ollapsed-cay om-fray exhaustion-ay. En-whay e-hay as-way unconsious-ay, a-ay ack-pay of-ay ild-way ogs-day ate-ay im-hay.

Stealer of Dreams said:
Imagine-ay e-may elling-tay is-thay ory-stay in-ay an-ay anky-cray old-ay an-may oice-vay.

Once-ay ere-they as-way a-ay ittle-lay oy-bay amed-nay Eorgie-Jay. Eorgie-Jay ad-hay o-tay alk-way ive-fay iles-may in-ay e-thay ow-snay and-ay ice-ay. One-ay ay-day Eorgie-Jay as-way alking-way o-tay ool-shcay, and-ay e-hay aw-say a-ay enny-pay on-ay e-they ound-gray. E-hay as-way ery-ve excited-ay ecause-bay e-hay eally-ray anted-way o-tay uy-bay a-ay ollipop-lay at-ay e-they andy-cay ore-stay. En-whay e-hay ent-whay o-tay e-they ounter-cay and-ay ied-tray o-tay uy-bay a-ay ollipop-lay, e-thay an-may at-ay e-thay ounter-cay aid-say "Ou-yay eed-nay enty-tway ents-say o-tay uy-bay a-ay ollipop-lay. If-ay ou're-yay ot-nay uying-bay anything-ay en-thay eave-lay!" Is-thay aid-may Eorgie-Jay ery-vay ad-say. E-hay arted-stay ying-cray. E-hay ied-cray and-ay ied-cray and-ay ied-cray. Eventually-ay e-thay anager-may ame-cay and-ay icked-kay Eorgie-Jay out-ay. O-say he-ay ust-jay ayed-stay outside-ay and-ay ied-cray ome-say ore-may. Ater-lay, e-hay ooked-lay at-ay is-hay atch-way and-ay ealized-ray at-thay e-he as-way o-tay ours-hay ate-lay or-fay ool-schay! Ut-bay, as-ay e-hay as-way alking-way, e-hay ound-fay entyfive-tway ents-say on-ay e-thay ound-gray. E-he an-ray all-ay e-thay ay-way ack-bay o-tay e-thay ore-stay. E-hay asked-ay or-fay a-ay ocolate-chay ollipop-lay. E-thay an-may at-ay e-thay ounter-cay aid-say "E-way only-ay ave-hay une-pray and-ay andalwood-say ollipops-lay eft-lay." Is-thay ade-may Eorgie-Jay extemely-ay upset-ay. E-hay ent-way outside-ay and-ay ied-cray or-fay another-ay our-hay. En-thay e-hay alked-way o-tay e-thay ext-nay andy-cay ore-stay, ich-whay as-way ee-thray iles-may away-ay. En-whay e-hay ot-gay ere-thay, ere-thay, ey-thay only-ay ad-hay apioca-tay avored-flay ollipops-lay. "Ith-way e-thay ittle-lay alls-bay in-ay em-thay!" added-ay e-thay an-may at-ay e-thay ounter-cay. O-say Eorgie-Jay as-way alking-way o-tay e-thay ext-nay ore-stay, en-whay e-hay ollapsed-cay om-fray exhaustion-ay. En-whay e-hay as-way unconsious-ay, a-ay ack-pay of-ay ild-way ogs-day ate-ay im-hay.


"Take me to your dealer!! :lol:"
Damn, what drugs are you on today?

Okay, I am going to attempt to translate, so I can figure it out also. Here it goes:

Imagine me telling this story in a cranky old man voice.

Once there was a little boy named Jeorgie. Jeorgie had to walk five miles in the snow and ice. One day Jeorgie was walking to school, and he saw a penny on the ground. He was very excited because he really wanted to buy a lollipop at the candy store. When he went to the counter and tried to buy a lollipop, the man at the counter said "You need twenty cents to buy a lollipop. If you're not buying anything then leave!" This made Jeorgie very sad. He started crying. He cried and cried and cried. Eventually the manager came and kicked Jeorgie out. So he just stayed outside and cried some more. Later, he looked at his watch and realized that he was two hours late for school! But as he was walking he found twenty-five cents on the ground. He ran all the way back to the store. He asked for a chocolate lollipop. The man at the counter said " We only have prune and sandalwood lollipops left." This made Jeorgie extremely upset. He went outside and cried for another hour. Then he walked to the next candy store, which was three miles away. When he got there, they only had tapioca flavored lollipops. "With the little balls in them!" added the man at the counter. So Jeorgie was walking to the next store, when he collapsed from exhaustion. When he was unconscious, a pack of wild dogs ate him.


I also took the liberty of correcting a few mistakes. :D
Well, you just don't know how boring it was to go through and translate it. JESUS CHRIST THE BASTARD CHILD!!!! (I always like to throw blasphemy around whenever possible).