Yamaha NS10s: Upgrade from KRK RP8s?


May 9, 2006

I currently have KRK RP8 monitors at my home studio. I hate 'em: Too cloudy, bad bass response despite de 8" speakers...they sound cheap. Would Yamaha NS10s be upgrade over them? Or even HS50ms ?

Chris Lord-Alge uses NS10's with a good amp. If it's good enough for him, I'm sure it would work for someone like us.

It really comes down to knowing your monitor. They are tried and true, but no matter what they are, if you know what music is "supposed" to sound like on them, they'll work for you.
some people hate them to death, some people can't live without them.

i personally borrow some from a friend...and i did two or three mixes on them and guess what? i just bought a pair. They worked incredibly good for me. It's like i was born to mix on them....haha (yeah, that was cheesy)

you'll spend about a thousand bucks for a nice pair with a good amp, but it's worth it dude.
They take a while to get used to, but the end result is worth it. I pretty much listen to everything through them now. I'll track on my big monitors, mix with the NS10's, and check it with the big ones again (I tend to add too much bass with the Yami's, so keep something with better bass around to check the low end)
Personally I can't stand NS10's, take more effort to learn than any other monitor I've used, and are fatiguing as hell.

HS50's on the other hand, I love! Translate really well, good detail in the midrange and easy to listen to.
My only thing with both the NS10s and the HS50s os the low end. Can they reproduce usable low end ?
Easy fix for the low end with NS10s is buying a sub. I bought a used Event sub 100 and it works perfectly with the NS10s. And I sit in a pretty small room still works like a charm!.
But if you can than try them first!, they are very different than other full tone speakers, but paired with a sub, its all I need.
Happy speaker hunting! :cool:
How good (or not) the HS50 low end is ? My room is small, so i am thinking twice about getting another set of monitors with 8" speakers. And the price is better too :)
How good (or not) the HS50 low end is ? My room is small, so i am thinking twice about getting another set of monitors with 8" speakers. And the price is better too :)

Not very


love ns10s
they're such hard work, but totally worth it.
for a more hifi ns10 vibe proacs are incredible.
been using some powered by a Bryston.
Adcom 545 or 555 (first generation Nelson Pass design) is a good amp if you are on a budget. Stay away from the MKII version as they have cheap boards and if the caps leak they soak up the liquid and ruin the boards. I have used a modded 555 in the past as well as a Bryston 4b and both are satisfactory. What really made my NS10's come alive though was when I started using a Bryston 4bSST. Much better amp than the Adcom or Bryston 4b. As was mentioned there is not alot going on in the low end on NS10s, but when you learn how the bottom end translates on them you can get close to getting a good balance. I always reference on big Tannoys we have at the studio to check the low end on mixes. NS10s really are about getting the midrange together for me when I mix.
How good (or not) the HS50 low end is ? My room is small, so i am thinking twice about getting another set of monitors with 8" speakers. And the price is better too :)

I used HS50 during one years before made the switch to HS80 last month.
For speak about low end, I always thinked my low end was pretty good with HS50 (can fell it but not hear it) but now I see how wrong I was since I've done the switch.
HS50 are good monitor (larger stereo image than HS80 imo) coupled with other monitor imo.
Well, so I guess I'll look into the HS80. Need to find a buyer for my RP8s Mk1 first, tho'.