yea madonna is a real philosopher now


Aug 2, 2002
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"Money is like sex. It's like food. ... They're blessings that we get, but they're not what's going to make us happy. They're not real. They don't last. There's only one thing that lasts, and that's your soul."

that's probably because the bitch isn't trying to live off of $500 a fuckin month in the projects.
she also just took part in one of those 'canned hunts' where they let, let caged birds loose in a small area so you can shoot them, and even if you have no skills with a rifle at all, you can kill them. then she prattled on and on about the spirituality of killing what you eat etc. i was like, okay.... retard....
people say money can't buy happiness, but they are totally wrong. I can think of many things that if I had or had the ability to do (courtesy of money), I would be happy.
Yeah, I mean, I have a gut resentment of Madonna and other filthy rich people too, but that's because I'm not rich and I romanticize the worker and all that crap. The old saying, you know, that "I became a soldier so my children could become businessmen so their children could become artists" maybe kind of applies.
see, this is the thing. i dated a FILTHY rich kid. he wasn't this retarded. totally NOT that retarded at all. he wasn't all that happy either, but at least he wasn't talking about his fucking soul.
I think when people reach the ultimate iteration of human existence, all they think and talk about is stuff that we, as hard-bitten life-livers, think of as stupid and gay and all that. Prettiness, souls, spirits, art, unity, happiness, whatever.

I'm not saying Madonna is necessarily the ultimate iteration of human existence, but the stuff she's saying isn't dissimilar to the stuff someone who is would. So I don't want to crush her for her earnestness.
if she didn't overhaul her image like, every 13 seconds i'd give her some credit. but she's a fakey mcfakerson to the 10th degree.