Yeah, so

I got exams too :erk: Mine are just starting in June! wish they were drawing to an end like yours! Then I leave college on June 24th and become a bum :D :loco: :headbang: How come the replies to the 54 set-list for this fund raiser have been deleted? :confused:
Haven't had an exam since 4th June 1998 :) But it was REALLY tough.

We're missing some replies because of technical problems at UM that required a restore from a back-up a few days old. So if you can remember what's important from any deleted posts, feel free to add them again.
my exam was about a year ago, and all i mainly remember is the aftermath (getting pissed in the student bar and throwing-up on the tube platform)

in the future i'll probably be marking more exams rather than sitting them
wooops :erk: Sorry ladies - too much blood in my alcohol system. Don't know how I made that mistake but afterall it is me so..:erk: Sorry. Have a good Bday Kittie :hotjump:
Grrr!! Exams!!!! Can't revise when you've just found out Black Sabbath are playing Ozzfest along with Judas Priest and you can't go 'cause it's only in is not amused...they're both british bands and who gets to see them...the goddamn americans...hmm...sorry I appear to be ranting
Indeed my friend but with good reason for doing so. It's pretty shit that that is the case, I wonder why it doesn't come to the UK? I know it can be a hard time moving all the gear around the world but it's not as if Ozzy and Halford are going to be shuvving the gear onto the checkin weighing scales themselves. I'm not a fan of Priest but a Sabbath one, it's shit to see British bands not gigging in their own homelands, this isn't the first year this has happened with Ozzfest and I'm also told Ozzy has cancelled his 4 UK dates too - plain shit really.:err:
exams suck..i am 24 this july and still havin is just that awful..i start next Thursday 27th then 28th then on 5th,7th and 11th of June. I think on the 11th i ll fall asleep for like 24 hours at least and then wake up to watch some football as euro starts.i hope my bunny rabbit will be alive if i won;t feed it for 24 hours and will not start to chew my things around the the way what a hell of a nice weather is this? it is kinda boilin in here and imagine that i just got back this weekend from Greece where i stayed for 3 days and it was raining all the time. oh and Slasher i do not think you should think Ozzfest as a British kinda more American i suppose. and it is true pity not to see these bands playing here. off to go to the books again..