yeah so...

Hmmm lets see...for a vacation?

Or to record keys, write an amazing song or two,contribute to the next cd that is going to slay?Think we are getting closer?

Have a safe trip.
Hey Iced Dog, Matt's staying in the USA. He's recording his vocals with Iced Earth producer, Jim Morris, at Morrissound in Tampa, FL.

Sounds like music to be recorded real soon-then Matts vocals recorded (brought in similar to the way they worked it w/ Lance K.),along w/ the final recording /production just after the holidays & New Year.

Does this sound correct?

Is it true that Matt does have a long & good working relationship w/ this producer?
Fill me in IE fans...i'm getting stoked!!!!!
That's true Muzmaze.
Matt worked with Jim Morris before in IE.
Jim produced most of IE work. Even people that don't like IE must agree that these productions were always of very good quality also in regard to vocals.

Although I must say that what I heard of the last Pyramaze cd also sounds very nicely produced...but of course it also depends of the involvement of the band in the production.
That's true Muzmaze.
Matt worked with Jim Morris before in IE.
Jim produced most of IE work. Even people that don't like IE must agree that these productions were always of very good quality also in regard to vocals.

Although I must say that what I heard of the last Pyramaze cd also sounds very nicely produced...but of course it also depends of the involvement of the band in the production.

Morrissound production is second to none for power metal. The band will be working with their regular producer in Sweden (I believe, but it could be DK) to mix, master and record the music. Matt is staying in the US primarily due to his work obligations with the Delaware Police Force. (And my bet is that Michael wanted Jim and Tom Morris' production value for Matt's vocals, since Michael is such a die hard IE fan - and Matt had the connections to Morrissound so in the future the band may choose to work solely with MS <- this is all speculation by me, but it very well could be true. I know thats what I'd do if I was Jon Schaffer.....I mean Michael Kammeyer :headbang:)
I believe they have a new producer,thier live sound tech...but will still use J. Hansen during the final mix.
Awesome and welcome back = D! We've had surprisingly good weather over here during the weekend, considering it's been raining for the last two weeks. With my luck it's going to rain again when I go to school tomorrow :/.