Yes or No, Resting pinky on guitar body?


Dark Lord of the Sith
Sep 7, 2002
Tallahassee, FL
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Hey guys, recently I've noticed that I like to rest my pinky on below my strings on the body of my guitar. I've watched tons of videos of guys who dont' do that all. Is this bad form because i'm trying to ween myself off of it.
You know, it's really interesting that you mention that, because recently I've discovered that doing it helped my speed and general comfort immensely. I found it kept my wrist at the best angle, so that the only contact points between my body and guitar were my palm on the bridge and my forearm on the top of the body.

As for whether it's right, the best I can say when it comes to technique is that there is no right technique. In short, go with what works, and experiment with others if you feel it's not working well. And if you can't take my word for it, watch players such as Yngwie Malmsteen, John Petrucci, Michael Angelo, all of whom use varieties of pinky-on-guitar picking. In fact, the only person I've ever seen who can use a completely floating hand and still shred it up is Paul Gilbert, although the freak size of his hands could have something to do with it. Anyway though, good luck!
I do rest my pinky on the guitar for certain picking styles and not so for others as (like I stated in another thread) sometimes I use my whole forearm for some picking styles. I tend to change the grip on my pick, the angle at which I pick, as well as the position of my hand for different picking techniques. I don't have a "set" place where I put my hand, nor whether I rest the pinky finger or not.

I noticed that Zakk wylde doesn't do it either. He doesn't keep his hand oupen either, he just ballse up a fist almost and pics like that, only resting his hand on the brigde with his palm.
If you've ever seen Trey Azagthoth play, you will know that this is not a problem, this man is amazing on guitar, and he hugs the guitar with his pinky on his tapping and picking techniques.
I also rest my pinky on the body of the guitar when picking, have been for years. it's a good technique for accurate playing styles, but it's whatever you're comfortable with. i do it mainly because i hold the pick with my index finger and thumb only.
Metaltastic said:
How else could one hold it Dark Thane?

Well some people hold the pick with index, middle and thumb, which would probly be difficult to rest the pinky down playing like that. also i've seen where people use their index and thumb but have their index finger curled and actually using the side of the finger to hold the pick.
Dark Thane said:
also i've seen where people use their index and thumb but have their index finger curled and actually using the side of the finger to hold the pick.

Yup, thats what i do... i find it more comfortable and it works for me...
as for resting the pinky, i still manage to do it(i've never found a problem with it with my index finger curled up), and it really helps while sweeping...
I can hardly play without resting my pinky on the guitar. My guitar teacher gets pissed whenever I do but if I'm not resting my pinky on the the guitar then I get really sloppy. The only time my pinky isn't anchored is when I'm playing chords. I can't play lead without my pinky on the guitar, it just feels like I have more control that way.
Yes, I always do it.

It really helped me back in the my guitar newbie days to do it, and since then I have stuck with it, so I would say yes. At first, it felt really awkward, but it really is an effective technique. It will help you out.
I always change my techniques but at the moment I'm finding I have my pinky, ring and middle on the body, although I raise middle finger usually during sweeps.
Check out some George Bellas videos to see some examples of this 3 fingers on the body technique.