Yes Pax hip hop


Sep 9, 2002
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I love hip hop.I think it is one metals closest friends.Its history is almost identical.
I started to give up on metal in about 1988.All the bands I had grew up with had gone shit Venom,Saxon,Priest,motorhead evan Metallica had just released what was what I consider to be there last great album.Guns n roses got me going along with dogs damour.But there was a new breed Faith No More ,RHCP Mudhoney,Beastie boys,Run Dmc.My life changed when I heard NWA Ilove there sound it was everything metal should have been.
Lets all debate on these year and styles of music although I fear I will be fighting this corner by myself.
Good post Wilks and how yeah are doing these days? I beg to differ on the history tho, from what I understand hip hop has it's roots in Jamaica, were as Metal and rock-n-rolls roots lay in the American r&b. By the way you forgot Anthrax who I think were one the first to combine the two generes.

As far as todays metal scene I think it's coming back around to it's strip down sound guitar, bass, drums, vocals, two of the best examples I can think of are Jet who sound quite similair to AC/DC and look at Korns lastest release they went back to what they do best the strip down guitar, drums, bass and vocal thing no keys or turntable.

What do you think?

WILKS said:
I love hip hop.I think it is one metals closest friends.Its history is almost identical.
I started to give up on metal in about 1988.All the bands I had grew up with had gone shit Venom,Saxon,Priest,motorhead evan Metallica had just released what was what I consider to be there last great album.Guns n roses got me going along with dogs damour.But there was a new breed Faith No More ,RHCP Mudhoney,Beastie boys,Run Dmc.My life changed when I heard NWA Ilove there sound it was everything metal should have been.
Lets all debate on these year and styles of music although I fear I will be fighting this corner by myself.
Yeah I know what you mean about Heavy Metal dying a death in the late 80's, but I don't agree Hip Hop shares roots with Rock/Heavy Metal. It has it's own roots and someone just thought to stick Hip Hop and heavy guitars together. The same thing has happened with DJ's and turntables, which have no roots with Heavy Metal.

Nu Metal is good in it's way because it brought Heavy Metal back. I quite like a lot of it at first but now I'm tired of it. But at least there are bands like Soil (the new album is superb!) that are just good old fashioned Metal.

One thing that pisses me off is that all the Nu metallers seem to laugh at old Heavy Metal. They seem to thing that their metal is something new, which it certainly is not. It's just good old fashioned Heavy Metal with a whole lot of crap added to it (minus the solo's). When Heavy Metal was 'fashionable' in the 80's, I can't remember anyone taking the piss out of 70's rock bands (I know I certainly didn't). It was just one big family, but 'our' metal was just taken to a different level (whether that was better or worse is a debate for another day I suppose!). So who do these silly young f*****s think they are?
This is how I see it.The kind of metal I grew up listening to had songs about bikes,sex,drugs rock n roll,dragons,battles evan fucking trains.It was a fantasy world where anything could happen.Bands like Saxon,Maiden,Priest and motohead would take you away school/work and put you on stage in front of thousands of fans then after the gig you would live the excesses of stardom.Hip hop did something almost the same.They created a world of drugs sex and violence that seem cool.Lets face it half these rappers aint gangstas but they do create a great image(as longs as you know it is that).
Rap has thesame sort of roots.Although modern day hip hop started in late 70s its roots go way back.