yesterday was totally wierd.


Aug 2, 2002
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i had to go to a doctor and then i had to go see a macrobiotic counselor and i was booorrrred waiting to see both of them. so i tried to use AIM on my cell phone but why does it automatically insert words when you are typing? i was sending total nonsense to everyone. woops.

anyway, i went home and fell asleep at 4 and didn't wake up until 5 this morning. i think having stuff stuck up my nose and having my throat probed (not like that, azal) exhausted me.

also, josh, i gotta take the preds for 2 weeks :(
xfer, bite me.

josh, i have to take that obnoxious like declining amount thing. like a blast of it (like 200-250 mg i think?) first and then taper down. i have to pick it up today. NOT looking forward to it. PS, check your emailz.
i was looking thru it and it has testimonial type stuff, good scientific research and backing, and really good ideas for like UCS and all sorts of stuff like that.
wow i forgot how crazy the preds are dude i only took 50 mg so far (i have to take 150 more today!) and i am like, flying.