These guys def specialise in the dark and brutal stuff! Check em' out if your into the harsher side of Metal.
Payment Method Accepted : CREDIT CARDS, PayPal Payment, Cash (U$D & Euro), Money Order, Money Gram, Western Union.
All orders are well packed
Orders are shipped as soon as I get the payment
E-MAIL Contact if you have questions about how to order.
NEW ARRIVALS & UPDATE: November 26th, 2008
BATHORY Nordland II (12" Picture Disc LP w/ Outer Cover)
BLACK SABBATH Black Sabbath (12" Gatefold LP on Clear Vinyl)
BLACK SABBATH Sabbath Bloody Sabbath (12" Gatefold LP)
BRODEQUIN Methods Of Execution (12" LP)
BURZUM Burzum / Aske (12" Double LP)
BURZUM Lord Of Darkness Anthology
CELTIC FROST Morbid Tales (12" Picture Disc)
DARK FUNERAL In The Sign... (12" Picture Disc)
DARKTHRONE A Blaze In The Northern Sky (12" Picture Disc)
DARKTHRONE Under A Funeral Moon (12" PICTURE DISC)
DEATH Leprosy (12" Gatefold LP on Splatter Vinyl)
DEATHHAMMER Wrath Of The Antichrist (TAPE)
DECEASED The Blueprints For Madness (12" Gatefold Double LP w/ Brain Shaped Insert)
DEICIDE The Stench Of Redemption (12" LP)
DEICIDE Til Death Do Us Part (12" Gatefold LP on Clear Vinyl)
DRASTUS Taphos (12" LP)
EMPEROR Emperor / Wrath Of The Tyrant (12" Gatefold Double LP on 180gram Vinyl)
HAVOHEJ Hornbook Seytan (10" MLP on Black Vinyl)
HAVOHEJ Hornbook Seytan (10" MLP on Silver Vinyl)
HELLHAMMER Apocalyptic Raids (12" Gatefold LP on RED Vinyl)
IMMORTAL Sons Of Northern Darkness (12" Gatefold Double LP)
IMPIETY Paramount Evil (12" Gatefold LP)
MAYHEM De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas (12" Gatefold LP on Purple Vinyl)
MERCYFUL FATE Don't Break The Oath (12" LP w/ Bonus Track)
METALLICA And Justice For All (12" Double LP)
METALLICA Master Of Puppets (12" Double DELUXE Gatefold LP)
MORBID ANGEL Altars Of Madness (12" Picture Disc)
NIGHT MUST FALL Dissonance Of Thought (12" LP)
ONSLAUGHT Killing Peace (12" Double Gatefold LP)
ONSLAUGHT Shadow Of Death (12" Gatefold LP on Clear 180gram Vinyl)
RIDE FOR REVENGE The Renegade Temple (7" Gatefold EP)
SEPULTURA Beneath The Remains (12" LP w/ Bonus Tracks)
SLAYER Show No Mercy (12" LP on RED Splatter Vinyl)
SPAWN OF SATAN / EVIL ANGEL Split (7" EP on Black Vinyl)
SPAWN OF SATAN / EVIL ANGEL Split (7" EP on Colored Vinyl)
VENOM Black Metal (12" Gatefold LP on Clear Vinyl)
VENOM Possessed (12" LP)
VULCANO Tales From The Black Book (CD w/ Bonus Tracks & Special Packaging)
PORTAL - Logo / Seepia
New Official PORTAL shirts with on the front band logo and back with obscure graphic and text: "Antique Gluttons Exhaust Deflate The Living Earth" High Quality GILDAN shirt with copper print on black shirt. Other Available sizes: S, M, L, XL.
PORTAL - Seepia
12 inch Gatefold Pic Disc LP
New Layout w/ nice Gatefold cover !
The bizarre death metal terror is ready to crush once again with a new artwork. With Seepia PORTAL'S vision of utter horror is destined to invert the death metal scene as one of the most unique and most intimidating visionaries ever conceived. Deprived, artsy and morally-impaired, through a twisted mind-fuck of oppressive histrionics and with the class of classic avant-garde cinema, PORTAL re-define artistic and cinematic dementia within Death Metal.
BESTIAL HOLOCAUST / NUCLEAR DESECRATION - Marching Towards The Nuclear Holocaust
Split 7 inch EP w/ insert on half half black and red record
info / mp3
A bestial desecration made directly in Hell ! No need to introduce BESTIAL HOLOCAUST from Bolivia who is more Black Thrash than ever and louder than Hell with one track written back in 2000 and recorded late 2007. Now time to flip the record over... A newer band NUCLEAR DESECRATION right after their debut album continues to remind us what NUCLEAR means ! Nothing new here, expect a pure war black/ death track as it should be ! Get ready for the nuclear holocaust !!
HELL TORMENT - Opening The Gates Of Hell
Heavy booklet material !
info / mp3
After a demo here is the first full length album of the Peruvian band, Hell Torment ! Vein of Levifer with their own sound and music, Hell torment offuer us a pure blacking/death sound !MUST BE CHECKED OUT !!!!
ROTTEN - Thrash N' Roll
7" EP on haze vinyl w/ Insert / CD w/ Bonus tracks
info / mp3
The time has come to headbang! The title "Thrash N' Roll" speaks for itself... standing out in the crowd of today's lame thrash wave, Mexico's RÖTTEN (with BLACK TORMENT member) offer 13 minutes/6 tracks of pure raw thrash with strong punk influences. This is a must have for fans of Toxic Holocaust and alike. Break your neck & get it or die!!
EVIL ANGEL - Unholy Fight For Metal
New artwork with heavy booklet material !
< Bestial finnish Black Thrash in the vein of Sarcofago, Blasphemy and Urn. Punishing old school demonical blasphemies from Lahti Metal Hell! US Re-Issue, be ready for the Desecration !! Demonical Blasphemies !!!
BESTIAL HOLOCAUST "Temple Of Adoration"
2nd Full length Album from the Maniacs of Bestial Holocaust, w/ 8 new tracks ! Expect a pure masterpiece !!! -- THE AUDIO MASTER HAS BEEN RECEIVED - THE LAYOUT IS BEEING PREPARED --
ATOMIC ROAR "Warfare Merchants"
1 st full length album with 10 tracks in the vein of Venom, Motorhead, Slaughter, NME, including Misfits "Skulls" cover. The ultimate brazilian band is offering us a pure masterpiece that we haven't heard in a long time !!! This album will be released on CD and later on LP
-CUTTHROAT Rape rape rape Pic disc LP/12" w/cover & insert
-OBEISANCE Unholy, Unwholesome & Evil LP
-DEVIL LEE ROT Metalizer 12" LP
-PORTAL Outre Pic Disc LP
-AMMIT Extreme Speed Satan 12" LP
After endless wait .....Brasilians Blackest Metal Massacre is Back !!!! Old school Black/Death Metal in old south american Tradition...mastered at Stage One Studio by Andy Classen!!!!
KULTO MALDITO "Alkohol Y Metal Hasta Sangrar !!!"
7 Inch EP
After great demos and album, this blasphemous South American beast returns with exclusive unholy tracks, sung in Spanish. Old school pervert Black Metal the South American way!
ARPHAXAT " Loudun la Maudite "
The long awaited full-length album from the mighty ARPHAXAT now awaits! Truly Necro & Morbid Blasphemous hymns, NOT for open-minded idiots who have no idea what true primitive Black Metal is about! Consists of Shaxul (ex-HIRILORN, ex-founding DEATHSPELL OMEGA member, SABBAT (Jpn) session member, etc). and DRAKEN (ex-Putrefactor). "Loudun la Maudite" forges even more holocaustic obscurity inspired by their majestic and mysterious myths of Pictavia. Those possessed by their 2003 demo tape easily know what to expect from this obscure album.
COFFINS "The Other Side Of Blasphemy"
12 Inch Gatefold LP
COFFINS was spawned from a need to create slow, crawling detuned death metal in the vein of old masters like Autopsy and Winter. An obvious Hellhammer/Frost obsession rears its putrid head upon opening this Coffin as well. Bringing the pain all the way from Japan, Coffins' second full length release The Other Side Of Blasphemy is derivative in the best possible sense of the word. No frills, just thrills for those disgusted at the mockery metal seems to have become. Where are the bands like CARNAGE and old GRAVE? Mid-paced, skull-crushing death metal and brutally low vocals . Coffins carries the torch that very few seem to bear. RECOMMENDED.
MANTICORE " Bowels Of The Holy Anoint Us In Evil"
Previously available only on CD from the now defunct Warhammer Records. Finally available on vinyl as it deserves! Includes a large poster (18" x 24") of the sold out "Destroy The Church And All Who Come To Serve" shirt. Brutal and desecrating hymns!! Too brutal to be called "Black Metal", too Satanic to be called "Death Metal"! This is an ABSOLUTE FUKKING MUST for fans of ARCHGOAT, BLASPHEMY, PROFANATICA, REVENGE, old BEHERIT, BLACK WITCHERY, CONQUEROR, etc.
ARMOUR "The Sonichouse Tapes"
12inch LP
Hard rock for heavy metal people! Finally this masterpiece is available on vinyl with 5 unreleased bonus tracks and exclusive cover artwork. Vince "Werewolf" Venom led this band to the 3rd place on the demoklubi competition by Finnish main national TV network YLE. Armour continues the legacy of Finnish heavy metal / classic hard rock what Ironcross and Zero Nine left behind two decades ago. Check out more infos / band photos and listen some material at
TRENCH HELL "Southern Cross Ripper"
12 Inch MLP
Long awaited debut mini album with six new Dirty Black Thrashing Speed Metal songs from down under. Up front raw production with no bullshit just real heavy fucking metal certain to be added to your list of Australia's finest. For those who discovered the brilliance of newer old school bands like TOXIC HOLOCAUST and/or crave the sound of real fucking metal from over 20 years ago, this is for you! You won't escape TRENCH HELL's hammer!!!
FOR FANS OF: Running Wild (early), Assassin, Celtic Frost, Destruction, Gospel of the Horns, Destroyer 666
PROCLAMATION "Messiah Of Darkness And Impurity"
12 inch Pic Disc LPon red vinyl
One of the most extreme and morbid acts from the pits of the satanic underground now returns with 10 apocalyptic anthems of Bestial Black Death following the path of Advent Of The Black Omen, Wicca, Down There, and Fallen Angel of Doom . Recorded entirely using analog equipment, "Messiah of Darkness and Impurity", Proclamation exceeds even the bestiality they attained on their last album. Few bands working within this subgenre have so successfully delivered such aggressive and violent onslaughts and few have remained so faithful to the blueprints established by Blasphemy, Beherit, Impurity, Sarcofago, etc. This is not a "retro" album, however. This release easily stands alongside the classics produced by those masters. Among the seemingly endless tide of Bestial Black Death bands released each month, few can be as favorably compared to the pregenitors of the genre. Proclamation is one of the few that can. Perhaps this is because Proclamation have studied the masters so thoroughly and refuse to be influenced by anything other than the unholiest of bestial black metal. You will hear no heavy metal influence. norsecore no funthrash instead you will be thoroughly assaulted by chaotic riffs, morbid intros, searingly violent guitar solos, and blasphemous vocals from beyond that will rape and devour your soul. Released in conspiracy with Ross Bay Cult.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /
3593 MEDINA RD, #109 / MEDINA / OH 44256 / U.S.A.
These guys def specialise in the dark and brutal stuff! Check em' out if your into the harsher side of Metal.
Payment Method Accepted : CREDIT CARDS, PayPal Payment, Cash (U$D & Euro), Money Order, Money Gram, Western Union.
All orders are well packed
Orders are shipped as soon as I get the payment
E-MAIL Contact if you have questions about how to order.
NEW ARRIVALS & UPDATE: November 26th, 2008
BATHORY Nordland II (12" Picture Disc LP w/ Outer Cover)
BLACK SABBATH Black Sabbath (12" Gatefold LP on Clear Vinyl)
BLACK SABBATH Sabbath Bloody Sabbath (12" Gatefold LP)
BRODEQUIN Methods Of Execution (12" LP)
BURZUM Burzum / Aske (12" Double LP)
BURZUM Lord Of Darkness Anthology
CELTIC FROST Morbid Tales (12" Picture Disc)
DARK FUNERAL In The Sign... (12" Picture Disc)
DARKTHRONE A Blaze In The Northern Sky (12" Picture Disc)
DARKTHRONE Under A Funeral Moon (12" PICTURE DISC)
DEATH Leprosy (12" Gatefold LP on Splatter Vinyl)
DEATHHAMMER Wrath Of The Antichrist (TAPE)
DECEASED The Blueprints For Madness (12" Gatefold Double LP w/ Brain Shaped Insert)
DEICIDE The Stench Of Redemption (12" LP)
DEICIDE Til Death Do Us Part (12" Gatefold LP on Clear Vinyl)
DRASTUS Taphos (12" LP)
EMPEROR Emperor / Wrath Of The Tyrant (12" Gatefold Double LP on 180gram Vinyl)
HAVOHEJ Hornbook Seytan (10" MLP on Black Vinyl)
HAVOHEJ Hornbook Seytan (10" MLP on Silver Vinyl)
HELLHAMMER Apocalyptic Raids (12" Gatefold LP on RED Vinyl)
IMMORTAL Sons Of Northern Darkness (12" Gatefold Double LP)
IMPIETY Paramount Evil (12" Gatefold LP)
MAYHEM De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas (12" Gatefold LP on Purple Vinyl)
MERCYFUL FATE Don't Break The Oath (12" LP w/ Bonus Track)
METALLICA And Justice For All (12" Double LP)
METALLICA Master Of Puppets (12" Double DELUXE Gatefold LP)
MORBID ANGEL Altars Of Madness (12" Picture Disc)
NIGHT MUST FALL Dissonance Of Thought (12" LP)
ONSLAUGHT Killing Peace (12" Double Gatefold LP)
ONSLAUGHT Shadow Of Death (12" Gatefold LP on Clear 180gram Vinyl)
RIDE FOR REVENGE The Renegade Temple (7" Gatefold EP)
SEPULTURA Beneath The Remains (12" LP w/ Bonus Tracks)
SLAYER Show No Mercy (12" LP on RED Splatter Vinyl)
SPAWN OF SATAN / EVIL ANGEL Split (7" EP on Black Vinyl)
SPAWN OF SATAN / EVIL ANGEL Split (7" EP on Colored Vinyl)
VENOM Black Metal (12" Gatefold LP on Clear Vinyl)
VENOM Possessed (12" LP)
VULCANO Tales From The Black Book (CD w/ Bonus Tracks & Special Packaging)
PORTAL - Logo / Seepia
New Official PORTAL shirts with on the front band logo and back with obscure graphic and text: "Antique Gluttons Exhaust Deflate The Living Earth" High Quality GILDAN shirt with copper print on black shirt. Other Available sizes: S, M, L, XL.
PORTAL - Seepia
12 inch Gatefold Pic Disc LP
New Layout w/ nice Gatefold cover !
The bizarre death metal terror is ready to crush once again with a new artwork. With Seepia PORTAL'S vision of utter horror is destined to invert the death metal scene as one of the most unique and most intimidating visionaries ever conceived. Deprived, artsy and morally-impaired, through a twisted mind-fuck of oppressive histrionics and with the class of classic avant-garde cinema, PORTAL re-define artistic and cinematic dementia within Death Metal.
BESTIAL HOLOCAUST / NUCLEAR DESECRATION - Marching Towards The Nuclear Holocaust
Split 7 inch EP w/ insert on half half black and red record
info / mp3
A bestial desecration made directly in Hell ! No need to introduce BESTIAL HOLOCAUST from Bolivia who is more Black Thrash than ever and louder than Hell with one track written back in 2000 and recorded late 2007. Now time to flip the record over... A newer band NUCLEAR DESECRATION right after their debut album continues to remind us what NUCLEAR means ! Nothing new here, expect a pure war black/ death track as it should be ! Get ready for the nuclear holocaust !!
HELL TORMENT - Opening The Gates Of Hell
Heavy booklet material !
info / mp3
After a demo here is the first full length album of the Peruvian band, Hell Torment ! Vein of Levifer with their own sound and music, Hell torment offuer us a pure blacking/death sound !MUST BE CHECKED OUT !!!!
ROTTEN - Thrash N' Roll
7" EP on haze vinyl w/ Insert / CD w/ Bonus tracks
info / mp3
The time has come to headbang! The title "Thrash N' Roll" speaks for itself... standing out in the crowd of today's lame thrash wave, Mexico's RÖTTEN (with BLACK TORMENT member) offer 13 minutes/6 tracks of pure raw thrash with strong punk influences. This is a must have for fans of Toxic Holocaust and alike. Break your neck & get it or die!!
EVIL ANGEL - Unholy Fight For Metal
New artwork with heavy booklet material !
< Bestial finnish Black Thrash in the vein of Sarcofago, Blasphemy and Urn. Punishing old school demonical blasphemies from Lahti Metal Hell! US Re-Issue, be ready for the Desecration !! Demonical Blasphemies !!!
BESTIAL HOLOCAUST "Temple Of Adoration"
2nd Full length Album from the Maniacs of Bestial Holocaust, w/ 8 new tracks ! Expect a pure masterpiece !!! -- THE AUDIO MASTER HAS BEEN RECEIVED - THE LAYOUT IS BEEING PREPARED --
ATOMIC ROAR "Warfare Merchants"
1 st full length album with 10 tracks in the vein of Venom, Motorhead, Slaughter, NME, including Misfits "Skulls" cover. The ultimate brazilian band is offering us a pure masterpiece that we haven't heard in a long time !!! This album will be released on CD and later on LP
-CUTTHROAT Rape rape rape Pic disc LP/12" w/cover & insert
-OBEISANCE Unholy, Unwholesome & Evil LP
-DEVIL LEE ROT Metalizer 12" LP
-PORTAL Outre Pic Disc LP
-AMMIT Extreme Speed Satan 12" LP
After endless wait .....Brasilians Blackest Metal Massacre is Back !!!! Old school Black/Death Metal in old south american Tradition...mastered at Stage One Studio by Andy Classen!!!!
KULTO MALDITO "Alkohol Y Metal Hasta Sangrar !!!"
7 Inch EP
After great demos and album, this blasphemous South American beast returns with exclusive unholy tracks, sung in Spanish. Old school pervert Black Metal the South American way!
ARPHAXAT " Loudun la Maudite "
The long awaited full-length album from the mighty ARPHAXAT now awaits! Truly Necro & Morbid Blasphemous hymns, NOT for open-minded idiots who have no idea what true primitive Black Metal is about! Consists of Shaxul (ex-HIRILORN, ex-founding DEATHSPELL OMEGA member, SABBAT (Jpn) session member, etc). and DRAKEN (ex-Putrefactor). "Loudun la Maudite" forges even more holocaustic obscurity inspired by their majestic and mysterious myths of Pictavia. Those possessed by their 2003 demo tape easily know what to expect from this obscure album.
COFFINS "The Other Side Of Blasphemy"
12 Inch Gatefold LP
COFFINS was spawned from a need to create slow, crawling detuned death metal in the vein of old masters like Autopsy and Winter. An obvious Hellhammer/Frost obsession rears its putrid head upon opening this Coffin as well. Bringing the pain all the way from Japan, Coffins' second full length release The Other Side Of Blasphemy is derivative in the best possible sense of the word. No frills, just thrills for those disgusted at the mockery metal seems to have become. Where are the bands like CARNAGE and old GRAVE? Mid-paced, skull-crushing death metal and brutally low vocals . Coffins carries the torch that very few seem to bear. RECOMMENDED.
MANTICORE " Bowels Of The Holy Anoint Us In Evil"
Previously available only on CD from the now defunct Warhammer Records. Finally available on vinyl as it deserves! Includes a large poster (18" x 24") of the sold out "Destroy The Church And All Who Come To Serve" shirt. Brutal and desecrating hymns!! Too brutal to be called "Black Metal", too Satanic to be called "Death Metal"! This is an ABSOLUTE FUKKING MUST for fans of ARCHGOAT, BLASPHEMY, PROFANATICA, REVENGE, old BEHERIT, BLACK WITCHERY, CONQUEROR, etc.
ARMOUR "The Sonichouse Tapes"
12inch LP
Hard rock for heavy metal people! Finally this masterpiece is available on vinyl with 5 unreleased bonus tracks and exclusive cover artwork. Vince "Werewolf" Venom led this band to the 3rd place on the demoklubi competition by Finnish main national TV network YLE. Armour continues the legacy of Finnish heavy metal / classic hard rock what Ironcross and Zero Nine left behind two decades ago. Check out more infos / band photos and listen some material at
TRENCH HELL "Southern Cross Ripper"
12 Inch MLP
Long awaited debut mini album with six new Dirty Black Thrashing Speed Metal songs from down under. Up front raw production with no bullshit just real heavy fucking metal certain to be added to your list of Australia's finest. For those who discovered the brilliance of newer old school bands like TOXIC HOLOCAUST and/or crave the sound of real fucking metal from over 20 years ago, this is for you! You won't escape TRENCH HELL's hammer!!!
FOR FANS OF: Running Wild (early), Assassin, Celtic Frost, Destruction, Gospel of the Horns, Destroyer 666
PROCLAMATION "Messiah Of Darkness And Impurity"
12 inch Pic Disc LPon red vinyl
One of the most extreme and morbid acts from the pits of the satanic underground now returns with 10 apocalyptic anthems of Bestial Black Death following the path of Advent Of The Black Omen, Wicca, Down There, and Fallen Angel of Doom . Recorded entirely using analog equipment, "Messiah of Darkness and Impurity", Proclamation exceeds even the bestiality they attained on their last album. Few bands working within this subgenre have so successfully delivered such aggressive and violent onslaughts and few have remained so faithful to the blueprints established by Blasphemy, Beherit, Impurity, Sarcofago, etc. This is not a "retro" album, however. This release easily stands alongside the classics produced by those masters. Among the seemingly endless tide of Bestial Black Death bands released each month, few can be as favorably compared to the pregenitors of the genre. Proclamation is one of the few that can. Perhaps this is because Proclamation have studied the masters so thoroughly and refuse to be influenced by anything other than the unholiest of bestial black metal. You will hear no heavy metal influence. norsecore no funthrash instead you will be thoroughly assaulted by chaotic riffs, morbid intros, searingly violent guitar solos, and blasphemous vocals from beyond that will rape and devour your soul. Released in conspiracy with Ross Bay Cult.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /
3593 MEDINA RD, #109 / MEDINA / OH 44256 / U.S.A.