yet another "how's my mix", Medeia


New Metal Member
Apr 21, 2005
I posted here something like year ago about my issues, and now we finally got an "album" finished.

I'd like to hear what you think of the sounds and the stuff in general. I ended using terrible amounts of ambience in drums and quitars too, and I bet most people here might think this is muddy and thin, but I kinda like it.

Guitars were recorded with 5150 and H&K triamp, (2 tracks each), RÖDE NT1000 condensors were used in just about everything and the rest of the gear represents pretty much the same do-it-at-home-el-cheapo quality.

Thanks for feedback,
If someone knows some labels or publications that would potentially interested of this kind of stuff, please let me know.

oh, and our home page can be found at:
Great playing, very tight indeed, the drums do indeed sound a little too ambient but it works well with the music i think. Sounds kinda sikth eqsue, i guess thats down to the vocals. For future recordings, consider using a tube screamer, for the music you play, a tight bottom for the guitars is a must and i feel thats lacking abit, although the tone is great. Most importantly, the songs kept my attention all the way through, unlike most other generic metal bands in this day and age.
Sounds good! IThere is quite a bit of ambience like you said, not a big deal, but if it was fixable I wouldn't hesitat too. :) Cool song, nice playing!
>>Sounds kinda sikth eqsue, i guess thats down to the vocals.

urgh :| Sikth screams.

>>For future recordings, consider using a tube screamer, for the music you play,

For guitar? Why? more gain? I thought we should go for less gain next time.

>>a tight bottom for the guitars is a must and i feel thats lacking abit, although the tone is great.
How do you get that? I used an LPF somewhere in 110hZ on all the tracks, cause otherwise the low end is just "whoompy" hmmm. maybe one guitar track on the center with less strict filtering would do the trick.

>>Most importantly, the songs kept my attention all the way through, unlike most other generic metal bands in this day and age.

thanks, nice to hear.