Yet more Metallica stuff...


Apr 14, 2001
This is from a French magazine or something, it was on the Metallica boards (I got it from an Iced Earth board though) but anyway:

"I'm fluent in both English and French, and all the other translations I've seen were pretty bad/way off, so I thought I'd post this. It should be 99% grammatically accurate:

It was only one year ago that the future of Metallica remained uncertain. After the departure of bassist Jason Newsted, the 3 other members of the group took a breather, and then finally set to work on putting out a new album. Bob Rock, their producer, was put in charge of the bass duties. St. Anger is set to arrive through Mercury, UK on April 14th in its mastered version… 3 days later, Paris will have a chance to hear it. 6 years after the release of Reload, Metallica returns with an album that sounds both garage-like and metallic. Every song is over the 5-minute mark and there is no guitar solos to be found, something which leads us to believe that this may not be the finished version, that the band may be trying to pull a fast one on music journalists. Metallica will give 3 concerts in paris in one day (Boule Noire, Trabendo, Bataclan), and will not return to France until February-March, 2004.

1. Frantic (5:46)
The 1st track leads us in with an explosion of blasting drums. At this point, we discover the new metallic and garage-like sound of Metallica. James Hetfield is ENRAGED. “My lifestyle is my deathstyle.” The group thrives on rhythm changes. We pass through rampant heavy moments and huge, machinegun-like riffs to arrive at an apocalyptic conclusion. A huge explosion of an opener.

2. St. Anger (7:19)
This track opens up with a basic Metallica riff, which is quickly covered by furious drumming where Lars Ulrich inserts healthy doses of double bass pedal, “old-school” style. This take is a bit more “airy”, but its drumming shows a thick skin, followed by a more aggressive refrain which features doubled-up vocals by James Hetfield. The song contains many overlapping parts, which creates a fantastic effect… the Four Horsemen are back!

3. Some Kind of Monster (8:24)
This piece debuts with a huge, heavy riff, laced with double bass (Lars Ulrich is definitely one of the best metal drummers in the world). The breakdown is reminiscent of Queens of the Stone Age. The sound of this song is once again enormous, and James Hetfield repeatedly sings “Some kind of monster”. A bit too long…

4. Dirty Window (5:23)
A good yet limited punk intro plays for a short time, then transforms into a heavy riff while James Hetfield begins singing. His voice is consistently at its best and shows off its full range. Here, a speedier passage allows them to implement some System of a Down-style riffs before going back to the beautiful refrain. The group shows off their stability and the rhythm changes are pulled off flawlessly.

5. Invisible Kid (8:28)
During the introduction Metallica breaks down and destroys the rhythm in order to come back to a riff that is 100% Metallica. Hetfield repeats, “Invisible kid, never see what I did”. The track consists of many different spacier passages which resemble Queens of the Stone Age, in which James shows off his well-trained vocals. The double bass is still noticeably present and the track closes off with an enormous vocal part. “Open your mind.”

6. My World (6:30)
On this track, the group as a whole seems quite pissed off. A huge riff opens it up, with extremely fast picking. “It’s my world, sucker!” screams Hetfield. This track is all about the percussion, featuring rhythm changes, acceleration, and double bass! James Hetfield launches screams at us during the finale. Excellent!

7. Shoot Me Again (7:09)
After an intro which simply seems like a punch in the face, this track proves to be more melodic during its chorus. The group inserts many breaks in the rhythm, and produces one of the softer tracks of the album. During the refrain, James Hetfield repeatedly shouts “Shoot me again”, pushing the limits of nu-metal! Nickelback with balls?

8. Sweet Amber (5:24)
With an intro that seems so calming and subtle, one would almost be lead to believe that this is the ballad of the album, but a huge riff and hell-raising drums put an end to our worries! Metallica definitely has not put out a commercial album. The chorus is a bit calmer, but it’s just a pretext for what comes next… Lars Ulrich gives it his all!

9. Unnamed Feeling (7:07)
An intro that fits somewhere between the realms of blues and heavy, like only James Hetfield knows how to make ‘em! This is the most rampant track of the album. James Hetfield tries once again to get out all his rage, which ends, as always, in an explosion!

10. Purify (5:13)
Enters in a crushing and super-heavy fashion. Next up is a huge rhythm and a piercing drum beat. The singing is choppy, and enters in with the word “Purify”, which James repeats in an exaggerated manner. “You and I, purify!” The track ends on a slower, more heavy note. Amazing rhythmic change-ups…

11. All Within My Hands (8:44)
The last track of the album, which distinguishes itself from the others through its many melodic passages. It starts with a violent riff which hides 3 levels, diverse, heavy and melodic. James Hetfield finishes off by screaming, “Kill, kill, kill!” A bit too long in the end…

Translation by Kyle Cleversey"
Lars must have been practicing, thats all I can think when I read that :D
No guitar solos though? Very weird for songs that long...
Yeah, from what I have read, Lars really went all out, and will have a bitch of a time playing most of it live.
As far as no solos goes, I think they just mean no traditional thrashy Kirk Hammett solos. I expect to hear some sort of guitar noise resembling a solo though hehe.
Well, June 10 cant come soon enough, im quite looking forward to this one! :D
My sources sent me a promo copy of the CD. Here's a run down of each song:

Intro music bit
Rhythm bit
Chorus (repeat to fade)
But he didnt play all the way through for that stuff Blitzy, they had to cut the tape and put it together, apparently thats why they have never played Dyers Eve live :)

I wasnt there of course, I was busy with other things, so maybe thats not true, but thats what ive heard :)
Lars said that they might whip out Dyers Eve on this upcoming tour...

everyone's always assumed he can't play it, but he can play Fight Fire With Fire which has the same pace double bass (whoa, freestylin)

And there WILL be solos, Kirk has said it himself. Some people are just dumb :D

it seems as though there ARENT any solos :eek:

I'm a bit fucking disappointed at the moment...

Aardschok: "Bob, please tell us about the accident!"
[METALLICA Producer] Bob Rock: "What accident?"
Aardschok: "That accident where Kirk Hammet lost his wahwah-pedal and decided not to play anymore solos..."
Bob Rock: "Well, let me put it this way: for me the band is playing solos with each other via the riffs. We talked about solos with every song, but in the end the songs just sounded better without them.
Lars: "It didn't fit. We tried though, but it just didn't feel right. Not to disfavour Kirk or his capacities as a guitarist, but every solo we tried just weakened the song. The songs on St. Anger are all about energy. The strength in the songs is in the strength in ourselves: four people working together on a common purpose: to put down a song as strong as possible. In these songs, there is no room for egos. The team is above all, individuals are not important. Same goes for James: his singing is "less in the picture" than before. Don't expect "oohs" or "yeah yeahs." And also for me: no fancy stuff."
Ill throw up the old "it will be interesting to hear 8 minute songs with no solos" bit again :)

If nothing else this sounds like a BIG departure from (the quite ok but should have been one album) Load/Reload and nice and aggressive, so I think Blitzy and I will be very happy, and im sure thats all Metallica care about :D
:lol:, yes that would be a Metroid. The new game is f'n awesome. :D

Yeah I heard that he didn't play 'Dyers Eve' right through when they recorded it, but thats not the only impressive piece of drumming on AJFA, and other albums for that matter. Will be interesting to hear the new album, and even more so to see them live. And as I said before, as for no solos, I am still expecting to hear some guitar noise resembling solos to take their place. By the band saying they tried them and they didn't "fit", makes me more comfortable about it than just a reviewer saying "no solos", as it seems they tried to get their best out of the music that they can.

Anyway, still none of us have a clue, so we will have to wait and see. :)