Yngwie Malmsteen clip


Epic Metaller
Aug 8, 2006
Frankfurt, Germany
Y'know...I don't really care that Malmsteen is a complete and utter big-headed, egotistical, arrogant tosser...because it's not him I listen to, it's the sounds he makes with a guitar :)

Anyway, I have it on good authority that Ghandi was a bit of a sarccy little bastard ;) :p

But when I see clip likes this...well....who else could pull this off, honestly? It's epic...and I likes it ^_^


Yngwie Malmsteen & The Japan Philharmonic - Far Beyond the Sun
Admittedly he's got more talent in his little toe than I'll ever have *but* I just don't like this attempt at fusing classical and electric - it just don't work! :-( He's an awesome player but it really belittles the talent of the players behind him. Watch a really good classical player (any instrument) and you'll realise that there's an ocean of difference in ability. I love metal with a passion but if it's technical excellence that grips yer sh!t then you really need to be checking out classical music or jazz - it'll blow you away. ;-) Check John MacLaughlin out - he'll effortlessly despatch 99% of metal guitarists with his trusty acoustic and won't break a sweat..... :)
I've come across these "bah it's nothing comapred to {insert musician here} " types before.

But this is the first time I've heard someone say neo-classical metal "doesn't work" and in all honesty it made me laugh out loud!

I have more respect for classical composers than Yngwie "focking fury" Malmsteen any day of the week but to say that his compositions "belittles the talent of players behind him" ... well ... that just isn't right.

There are two things you must take away from Yngwie Malmsteen.

Number 1, he is immensely, immensely talented.
Number 2, it's genuine talent. It's not Micheal Angelo 'tapping with heavy delay' it's composed, well-thought-out musical knowledge and skill.

I think that alone gives him a lot of credit.
Power_Metal_Dom said:
I've come across these "bah it's nothing comapred to {insert musician here} " types before.

But this is the first time I've heard someone say neo-classical metal "doesn't work" and in all honesty it made me laugh out loud!

I have more respect for classical composers than Yngwie "focking fury" Malmsteen any day of the week but to say that his compositions "belittles the talent of players behind him" ... well ... that just isn't right.

There are two things you must take away from Yngwie Malmsteen.

Number 1, he is immensely, immensely talented.
Number 2, it's genuine talent. It's not Micheal Angelo 'tapping with heavy delay' it's composed, well-thought-out musical knowledge and skill.

I think that alone gives him a lot of credit.

I agree with both 1 and 2 *but* it just doesn't work for me okay? The mix of electric and acoustic here just doesn't feel right - why not just program a synth with some kind of auto-accompaniment and let Yngwie do his thing?? It's not a fusion of classical and metal it's some background noise to fill out the (very little) space that he leaves...... He's v.v.v.f.good but he never-ever-ever (imho) "gets" the synergy of instruments in an orchestra and how it works with a good soloist. He should stick to the format that he always had with a full elctric band behind him 'cos that stuff worked well..... :)

I think I have misread your post. I thought you were saying neo-classical doesn't work in general, I'd forgotten that you were most likely refering to the clip I'd just posted! :lol:

Fair enough each to their own. :)

In regards to the clip, I quite like the mix of orchestra and elec guitar. After all that's why I liken to Rhapsody (of Fire).

But I can see why someone would say it doesn't mix. Sorry for jumping the gun!
Yeah Beefoven.

To be completely fair to Yngwie on this one I don't think that the mix on the clip is up to much really - it was probably awesome if you were sat in the room listening to it though... :)
I had to stop watching the video less than half way through cos it was boring me i'm afraid heh.

I love orchestral music being used with metal, and generally it works really well, but i didn't think much of that video, maybe i'm just not a yngwie fan, i listened to black star and found that boring (only other song of his i've heard i think), gimmie John Petrucci anyday :D