Yngwie pwns japanese lady

I think it was a few years ago actually...like Dec. 9, 2002...

which, correct me if im wrong, puts it in the War to End All Wars tour, which I went too...
RobbM said:
I think it was a few years ago actually...like Dec. 9, 2002...

which, correct me if im wrong, puts it in the War to End All Wars tour, which I went too...

And the audio clip is actually from the 1988 tour I believe...its actually one of the Johansson brothers that recorded it.
heres an interview


Yngwie Malmsteen: Yeah, sure. What happened was, in 1988, a long, long time ago, we were all on a plane to Japan, the whole band. We were in first-class, actually, and everybody was behaving really badly … not only me, may I add!

Rough Edge: (laughs)

Yngwie Malmsteen: Everybody in the band, especially the keyboard player, just behaving really nasty, throwing things in people’s food, screaming and being obnoxious. It’s a long flight to Japan, right?

Rough Edge: (laughs)

Yngwie Malmsteen: Anyway, we then fall asleep since it was a very long flight and I think the singer was next to me and I remember getting woken up by having a pitcher of ice water poured on us by a lady and she said “Cool down” or whatever, something like that. I became very, very angry of course, and someone decided to record that for a very strange reason! Weirdest thing. So someone records it and what’s even more bizarre is that it happened in January of 1988, and it just got released on the internet sometime in like, 2002. All people could think of was that it was something happening then, which it wasn’t!

Rough Edge: (laughs) Naturally!

Yngwie Malmsteen: That, to me, was interesting and funny! I mean, I can’t take everything very seriously because I know the real background to it. To me, it’s all just a joke, the whole thing.

Rough Edge: (laughs)

Yngwie Malmsteen: (laughs)

Rough Edge: That’s funny, as always, the press will twist and distort things like that into their own little versions. Really interesting.
Jens said that was Anders who had recorded the row on the plain.
Anders had been listening to Judas Priest on his Walkman, and in the middle of play he pressed +REC+ button for fun.
Later the tape was copied and copied again, and circulated in Swedish underground.(lol)