Yo Billy check this one out!

This is the same kind of person who thinks bands with logos you can't read are true metal bands and not older bands that actually meant something to metal. I'll tell you what, I'll punch this guys mom in her saggy tits to show him I am contraversal. I honestly could post 60 reviews that loved it.
But I am not VAIN. Tell this guy to pick up an instrument and make claims.
Oh yeah, Motorhead haven't made a good record in 10 years. Who here think Motorhead dosen't matter???
actually billy it seems the dude who wrote that review is a big fan of older metal bands. i was reading all his reviews and they are pretty funny.
I really worship the last M.O.D. but reading that review made laugh like hell.
Actually I don't care if that guy's serious or ironicly disturbed :tickled:
Buzzard said:
we need more 17 year old tough guy bitches.
Just remember, This is Bush country Nigga!!!!
And we play for keeps
Mmmh, I don't get this. But I'm 32 from Germany and very, very tough.
tamponsqueezer said:
Mmmh, I don't get this. But I'm 32 from Germany and very, very tough.
I think he was refering to the fact of all the Minors coming here lately trying to start shit
this is what I dont get alot of assholes wanna talk shit about how much one guys album sucks when he has no excperence at all in music!!!!! until you create music and realize how hard it is to get it together and make a song that sounds good keep your fuckin mouth closed!!!!!
serial killer said:
this is what I dont get alot of assholes wanna talk shit about how much one guys album sucks when he has no excperence at all in music!!!!! until you create music and realize how hard it is to get it together and make a song that sounds good keep your fuckin mouth closed!!!!!

Welcome to the Board. Read the rules of engagement and have fun
Good morning all,

I happened to see this thread, and since I run Kicked In The Face, I thought I might jump on here with my two cents about this review...

****This is the same kind of person who thinks bands with logos you can't read are true metal bands and not older bands that actually meant something to metal.****
This is a completely incorrect description of Horatio...or any of the reviewers at Kicked In The Face, for that matter.

****Tell this guy to pick up an instrument and make claims.****
Personally, I haven't liked MOD since they released Rhythm Of Fear. Even though I've been playing since the third grade, I can only assume that my opinion is still somehow invalid, right?

****Actually I don't care if that guy's serious or ironicly disturbed****
Yes, he's serious. Yes, he is a very disturbed individual. I would imagine it's due to all the sheep fucking he's done in his native land of New Zealand.

****this is what I dont get alot of assholes wanna talk shit about how much one guys album sucks when he has no excperence at all in music!!!!! until you create music and realize how hard it is to get it together and make a song that sounds good keep your fuckin mouth closed!!!!!****
I don't play professional baseball, so does that mean I have no right in saying the Blue Jays suck?

I'm not a politician, so does that mean I have no right in voting?

I'm not a doctor, so does that mean I have no right to decide whether or not I should take some aspirin when I get a headache?

I'm not a director, so does that mean I'm not allowed to have an opinion of the new Spider-Man movie?

I fail to see your logic...and lay off the Jolt Cola.

None the less, thank you all for your opinions of the review. I'm certainly open for debate on the subject.
Your entitled to your opinion but what do you expect this is a Billy Milano board. We are all fans here.So of course any review that is negative is gonna be met with conflict here.Welcome to the Hate Tank
Your entitled to your opinion but what do you expect this is a Billy Milano board. We are all fans here.So of course any review that is negative is gonna be met with conflict here.Welcome to the Hate Tank

I'm not saying I didn't expect a Billy Milano board to go ape shit about a negative review, however since somebody took the liberty of posting a link to a review on my website I thought I would stop on by for the debate. None the less, I couldn't help pick up on two major points as to why said review sucks:
1. Horatio is the kind of guy who only listens to underground death metal, and anything classic or sells more than 50,000 records is garbage.
2. We are accused of not playing any instruments or being in bands, which other than the fact it's a false statement, I feel does not hinder one's opinion of a band.

If anybody here thinks I'm an asshole or that my sites sucks, I'm fine with that. That's up to you guys to decide, not me. I'm simply here to discuss these two topics or anything else that might conern this review.
hey shevy, this is the thing I just dont think outsiders should slander or critique ones art simple

I can appreciate your point of view, but here's where my view differs...

How many people can embrace painting the way Delacroix did? How can it be wrong for somebody to critique his work even though they do not have the skill necessary to replicate it?

When you're watching football and your team throws an interception to a guy with absolutely no receivers around him, what's your reaction?
a. "Hey, I don't play football so I can't complain."
b. "What are you thinking! Who the fuck were you thowing to? Are you color blind?"

On top of that, what makes you think that Horatio has no experience playing an instrument? The only reviewer on our site with no hands-on playing experience is Scoots (to the best of my knowledge), yet he's been into hardcore punk and thrash since he was a little kid. He's seen hundreds of shows, has an impressive collection of vinyl, and contributes his art to bands like Drop Dead and Toxic Holocaust. That fact he wouldn't know where to begin with a guitar doesn't take away any of his experience being around music.

Do we dedicate our lives to music? No...but what a sad world this would be if opinion was limited to just that.
Shevy said:
I can appreciate your point of view, but here's where my view differs...

How many people can embrace painting the way Delacroix did? How can it be wrong for somebody to critique his work even though they do not have the skill necessary to replicate it?

When you're watching football and your team throws an interception to a guy with absolutely no receivers around him, what's your reaction?
a. "Hey, I don't play football so I can't complain."
b. "What are you thinking! Who the fuck were you thowing to? Are you color blind?"

On top of that, what makes you think that Horatio has no experience playing an instrument? The only reviewer on our site with no hands-on playing experience is Scoots (to the best of my knowledge), yet he's been into hardcore punk and thrash since he was a little kid. He's seen hundreds of shows, has an impressive collection of vinyl, and contributes his art to bands like Drop Dead and Toxic Holocaust. That fact he wouldn't know where to begin with a guitar doesn't take away any of his experience being around music.

Do we dedicate our lives to music? No...but what a sad world this would be if opinion was limited to just that.
you make a real good point, but I doubt you know how it feels to work your ass off to make a song perfect and have everone say it sucks its a real kick in the nuts
you make a real good point, but I doubt you know how it feels to work your ass off to make a song perfect and have everone say it sucks its a real kick in the nuts

You're right, I have no idea how that feels, although I do know how it feels on lesser levels. When I write a full review, not including the time spent actually listening to the album itself, I probably invest an average of about three hours per review. The finished result is something that I personally like and take pride in. So if I like it, why would I care if anybody else does? You can't please everybody, so just please yourself.

I don't see why anybody would force themselves to like something or only say positive things about any form of art they don't like simply because somebody worked real hard on it. We're here to express our opinions, and anything less than our honest feelings would be disrespectful to everything we stand for.
Shevy said:
You're right, I have no idea how that feels, although I do know how it feels on lesser levels. When I write a full review, not including the time spent actually listening to the album itself, I probably invest an average of about three hours per review. The finished result is something that I personally like and take pride in. So if I like it, why would I care if anybody else does? You can't please everybody, so just please yourself.

I don't see why anybody would force themselves to like something or only say positive things about any form of art they don't like simply because somebody worked real hard on it. We're here to express our opinions, and anything less than our honest feelings would be disrespectful to everything we stand for.
oh I'm not saying that someone should force themselves to like somthingjust to be nice I'm just saying it hurts when people who contributed nothing to somthing you worked so hard on just slam your shit it pisses me off I know I shouldn't care (because the people that talk the most shit are those nu-metal faggots anyways) but I can't help it sometimes.