Yo check this out!

Hey folks!

long time havent posted, I've been busy with stuff.
anyway, I recorded a song spine, few days later we ll try to shape it more singer friendly. some feedback would be cool 'bout the mix.
ingredients: pod xt / ltd viper100 emg81 / one year old elixir strings in drop A/ Metal foundry / direct bass free / on guitartracks: C4 for debooming, and some eq / on bass vst waves Rbass + Warp + eq / on master SSL comp + REQ6 + PSP warmer /
any feedback welcomed! thanks for listening
I m mainly curious about the levels:goggly:

I agree the guitars are scoopy, but I don't think they're bad.

I do agree that the drums get a bit buried under the guitars at times, tho.

Very nice song, dude! Can't wait to hear it with vocals.
I don't think there's anything wrong with the guitars. The scoop really works well in this song I think, and the drums are pretty perfect too.
