And I don't mean beautiful on the outside since I don't know what you all look like, but beautiful on the inside. Yes, your warm souls have provided heat for those close to you many a winter night. Oh sure, there is the occasional fight on this board and harsh words are exchanged, but I know that every single one of you persons that frequent this board has a heart of gold. You're the kind of persons that would help an old woman cross the street, or climb a tree to get a crying girl's cat back down to safety. For every pentagram you carve in your skin you've donated a can of peas to charity, for every inverted cross you burn on your forehead, you've made a child smile. It saddens me when you talk about suicide, it saddens me to think of all the smiles that would disappear off of children's faces, should something as terrible as death take you to heaven, to rest among angels and enjoy eternal peace. To all the people here, may you live to be 100 years old and warm the hearts of all humans. I'm not ashamed to say that I think I love you. Let me hear you love each other!