You can tell Rob's a class drummer

Ahh - my first band had some really powerful drumming. Everyone who listened to our Demo said "wow you must have a really big drummer!".

Actually, at the time, our drummer was a 15 year old, delicately built, girl.

Anyway, just a point to show the flip side...

Rob's Drumming is amongst the best I have heard, though. Powerful, lengthy routines that put "Overkill" by Motorhead to shame - and fills that mimick the complex lead and vocal melodies to near perfection... aahhhh, excellence.
Yer know, i WAS thinking what Overkill would sound like with 54 playing it.... theres SO many songs actually id love em to have a stab at :)

Then again, with such class songs behind ya.. who needs covers??? A B-Side wouldnt hurt tho ;)