False Joe

Who cares.
Oct 12, 2007
Sheep fucking land somewhere.
You doubted him, and spread their lies
Across the world, with sword in hand
You raped our souls, and stole our right
All for the words of mild-mannered man
You listened to mild-mannered god
And put your faith in deceitful words
Your powertrip was paid by blood
In kidness' name you spilled our blood


Thousand years of opression makes me cum.
in kidness name?

It's supposed to be "in kindness' name" as in "in the name of kindness". I meant that to mean that many Christians say they are converting us for our own good, to be kind to us poor heathens, so that we can have a chance at eternal life in heaven. At the time that I wrote that, someone was trying to convert me by bullying my 7 y.o. daughter, telling her that they were only doing it for our own good, but back in the olden days, they used to say "our God is kind, and not fickle and mean like Odin, and not violent like Thor, or into black magic like Freya - come to Him, you are his child and he loves you". And if you didn't, they'd lop your head off, all in the name of love and kindness. Which is not to say that all Christians are horrid people and would do such a treahcerous thing, but damn it, I was mad when I wrote that. What you see is what you get. If they hadn't messed with my kid I wouldn't have messed with them back. As soon as you have something you want to hide, you have a weak spot. That's where I aimed when they tried to hit me in mine (my kid, my kin). That's all.
A large part of that text was just me explaining to them (those who converted) how I feel that they have let me, mine and my gods and goddesses down. They did this. They were the ones who were weak. They choose not to fight back even when they could have. They doubted Odin. They went with a feeble God instead of a virile one, and then they call us stupid?! They chose not to keep their oaths, they turned on their own kin, supposedly to be kind. Kiss my ass.
It's supposed to be "in kindness' name" as in "in the name of kindness". I meant that to mean that many Christians say they are converting us for our own good, to be kind to us poor heathens, so that we can have a chance at eternal life in heaven. At the time that I wrote that, someone was trying to convert me by bullying my 7 y.o. daughter, telling her that they were only doing it for our own good, but back in the olden days, they used to say "our God is kind, and not fickle and mean like Odin, and not violent like Thor, or into black magic like Freya - come to Him, you are his child and he loves you". And if you didn't, they'd lop your head off, all in the name of love and kindness. Which is not to say that all Christians are horrid people and would do such a treahcerous thing, but damn it, I was mad when I wrote that. What you see is what you get. If they hadn't messed with my kid I wouldn't have messed with them back. As soon as you have something you want to hide, you have a weak spot. That's where I aimed when they tried to hit me in mine (my kid, my kin). That's all.
A large part of that text was just me explaining to them (those who converted) how I feel that they have let me, mine and my gods and goddesses down. They did this. They were the ones who were weak. They choose not to fight back even when they could have. They doubted Odin. They went with a feeble God instead of a virile one, and then they call us stupid?! They chose not to keep their oaths, they turned on their own kin, supposedly to be kind. Kiss my ass.

I think he might have been teasing him because Joe can't type :lol::lol:

The second one - I was joking. I get the meaning of the song. And I agree.

And I'm Joe. GFAD just wishes he was joe.
OK, that's cool then. It's just that I don't want people to think I walk around with a chip on my shoulder at all times and get that pissed off for no reason...
Make sure you stick to the "real" Christian ones then, not the old "stavkyrka" / Stave church that those stupid fucking Norweigians burnt down...

I will find one frequented by those Leviathanesque Baptists; I recall there is a mega-church in the next down over. My ancestors were converted to that bullshit religion at the point of a sword as well; I too have cause for vengeance.
It's supposed to be "in kindness' name" as in "in the name of kindness". I meant that to mean that many Christians say they are converting us for our own good, to be kind to us poor heathens, so that we can have a chance at eternal life in heaven. At the time that I wrote that, someone was trying to convert me by bullying my 7 y.o. daughter, telling her that they were only doing it for our own good, but back in the olden days, they used to say "our God is kind, and not fickle and mean like Odin, and not violent like Thor, or into black magic like Freya - come to Him, you are his child and he loves you". And if you didn't, they'd lop your head off, all in the name of love and kindness. Which is not to say that all Christians are horrid people and would do such a treahcerous thing, but damn it, I was mad when I wrote that. What you see is what you get. If they hadn't messed with my kid I wouldn't have messed with them back. As soon as you have something you want to hide, you have a weak spot. That's where I aimed when they tried to hit me in mine (my kid, my kin). That's all.
A large part of that text was just me explaining to them (those who converted) how I feel that they have let me, mine and my gods and goddesses down. They did this. They were the ones who were weak. They choose not to fight back even when they could have. They doubted Odin. They went with a feeble God instead of a virile one, and then they call us stupid?! They chose not to keep their oaths, they turned on their own kin, supposedly to be kind. Kiss my ass.

It did not take a crusade to convert Northern Europe. All it took was money. Chieftains could not wait to convert so the Catholics would recognize them as legitimate realms. Why do you think they raised runes to the memory of their conversion?

Once they were converted they received lands and got to trade with the rest of the Catholic realm. I mean one guy was made King of Sweden simply because he was Christian. Money! Money! Money!

Greed! I guess it is a sin in any religion even heathen.

Now what happenned to the average person was wrong. Once the chieftain was converted the rest had to convert or die resisting. But their leaders are the ones who sold them out.

You also have to remember that being Christian was the new thing. It was the fad cult of the time. If you wanted to rebel against your parents, you became Christian. No more praying to multiple gods and having to do sacrifices and chanting and such. You had one god to deal with. It probably gave them more time. Here was a religion that pissed off your parents and gave you more free time. What more could a teenager want?

That being said, it is one of my favorite songs. Did you have anything to do with the writing of Prediction of Warfare? I love the dream vision in that one.
It's supposed to be "in kindness' name" as in "in the name of kindness". I meant that to mean that many Christians say they are converting us for our own good, to be kind to us poor heathens, so that we can have a chance at eternal life in heaven. At the time that I wrote that, someone was trying to convert me by bullying my 7 y.o. daughter, telling her that they were only doing it for our own good, but back in the olden days, they used to say "our God is kind, and not fickle and mean like Odin, and not violent like Thor, or into black magic like Freya - come to Him, you are his child and he loves you". And if you didn't, they'd lop your head off, all in the name of love and kindness. Which is not to say that all Christians are horrid people and would do such a treahcerous thing, but damn it, I was mad when I wrote that. What you see is what you get. If they hadn't messed with my kid I wouldn't have messed with them back. As soon as you have something you want to hide, you have a weak spot. That's where I aimed when they tried to hit me in mine (my kid, my kin). That's all.
A large part of that text was just me explaining to them (those who converted) how I feel that they have let me, mine and my gods and goddesses down. They did this. They were the ones who were weak. They choose not to fight back even when they could have. They doubted Odin. They went with a feeble God instead of a virile one, and then they call us stupid?! They chose not to keep their oaths, they turned on their own kin, supposedly to be kind. Kiss my ass.

since heathenism declined and christianity rose the result was a total havoc and dipression!