You Gotta See This


Shit faced
Jan 4, 2005
Terra Australis
Check out this thread

Its on a martial arts forum. It is the longest thread ever. It started as a guido posting pictures of him and his buds that he thought were hot shit. What ensued was a 350+ plus page epic of some of the funniest shit. This has become a world wide cult phenomena. Well worth taking time to look at. It starts out kinda slow but soon picks up.. Fuckin hilarious.
Keep reading it. Im up to page 60. It gets better and better trust me. This dude gets a number done on him. I've never seen someone get as toasted as this prick.
Saucy_Jack said:
Wait until you see the pictures of his friend he calls "super man"!

That guy is seriously the freakiest looking fucker I have ever seen.