You guys heard about this bus attack?

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Lots of crazy stuff happening lately.

The beheading, for one. And I heard on the radio that recently in clearwater BC, apparently some guy lit his mother on fire or something, and apparently in Vancouver some guy ran around with a hammer bashing people in the head.
Didn't hear about that.

Those passengers reacted really shitily. They left someone to be decapitated...don't see how that was a brilliant reaction. Clobber the fucker with a suitcase.
Mathiäs;7496958 said:
:lol: that's awesome

:lol: i laughed pretty hard at the guy hitting people with hammers, and then i laughed even harder when i realized how terrible it was that i was laughing at people getting hit with hammers.
Didn't hear about that.

Those passengers reacted really shitily. They left someone to be decapitated...don't see how that was a brilliant reaction. Clobber the fucker with a suitcase.

Yes exactly. Why the hell did they just leave that poor kid on there to die? Those fuckers get the massive truck of fail award for that one.

Didn't hear about that.

Those passengers reacted really shitily. They left someone to be decapitated...don't see how that was a brilliant reaction. Clobber the fucker with a suitcase.

For one thing, half of them probably had headphones on either watching the in-transit movie or music, and I doubt anyone had a weapon or were willing to stop somebody who had one.
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