You guys suck, I'm leaving forever.


and his imaginary friend
Mar 4, 2005
April fools.
I made my sister think I had a giant gash on my arm by first drawing a cut with red pen and then putting tomato sauce on my arm. She kinda saw through it though :(. Plus I had to be really quick cos as I was crying out in pain I realised the tomato sauce was still right in front of me.
Just like MrFast, I used April Fool's as an excuse to my lazyness... :D

But in my case, I had to deliver a work for my Linguistics teacher, and I told him that my computer with all my stuff had crashed, when I pull'd the CD and gave it to him. He was about to kick me in the stomach. :D
One of the owners of our company emailed all of us telling us that they were going to get a great deal on new Mercedes for all of us. It all seemed pretty convincing with the details and lease agreements, etc. When he said that they would all have a bright yellow paint job with hybrid engines that got 75 MPG, I realized it was April 1st. ;)
i was going to pull a pretty asshole joke on a friend of mine and propose to her and have a note inside the ringbox that said "Aprils Fools Day", but stuff came up and shit happened. So I didnt do it.
nobody dares to try to fool me on april fools day anymore... u try to fool me, u eat fist MUAHAHAHAH *SMACK*