You have bad taste in music

The best part about it is how people actually take him seriously and start getting pissed off, like the Evanesence fans...jesus christ. I almost feel bad for them...they're that pathetic.
I think I'm gonna go buy that little 12 year old kid a new sarcasm detector, along with some wits, and maybe a little maturity on the side.

edit: I'm talking about the kid who told him to "FUCK YOURSELF!! IN THE ASS!!!", not the little oriental boy who was just there.
Yeah sure it's kinda funny.. too bad the guy is behaving like a complete nerd. And why appear at the Evanescence concert? Like that's the worst music ever? I bet he doesn't have the balls to appear at a 50 Cent concert, he'll get his ass kicked for sure.
karelrulez said:
Yeah sure it's kinda funny.. too bad the guy is behaving like a complete nerd. And why appear at the Evanescence concert? Like that's the worst music ever? I bet he doesn't have the balls to appear at a 50 Cent concert, he'll get his ass kicked for sure.

Since when was sarcasm indicative of one being a complete nerd? He's just poking fun at those fans, and they are too insecure about their musical opinions to take a freaking joke. The guy is obviously not serious, but people are too dense to realize that. The lady on the Evanescence video towards the end had the right idea, except that she didn't realize the sarcasm meter shaking violently from intense overload, so she went on that little rant about opinions and whatnot. She was completely right in what she was saying, but a complete 'tard for not being able to detect satire.

Why appear at an Evanscence concert? Why not? It's not the worst music ever (no such is 100% subjective), he just felt like poking fun at that fanbase, and he obviously got the reaction he wanted from them, since it is posted on his site.

He has no balls? Really? So you're saying that you would feel perfectly comfortable doing the exact same thing as him in front of the exact same people?

Btw, I'm sure he appreciates someone commenting on his lack of genetilia over the internet. Sure shows the immense grapes you've got down there. :worship:
Liquid Shadow said:
Since when was sarcasm indicative of one being a complete nerd? He's just poking fun at those fans, and they are too insecure about their musical opinions to take a freaking joke. The guy is obviously not serious, but people are too dense to realize that. The lady on the Evanescence video towards the end had the right idea, except that she didn't realize the sarcasm meter shaking violently from intense overload, so she went on that little rant about opinions and whatnot. She was completely right in what she was saying, but a complete 'tard for not being able to detect satire.

Why appear at an Evanscence concert? Why not? It's not the worst music ever (no such is 100% subjective), he just felt like poking fun at that fanbase, and he obviously got the reaction he wanted from them, since it is posted on his site.

He has no balls? Really? So you're saying that you would feel perfectly comfortable doing the exact same thing as him in front of the exact same people?

Btw, I'm sure he appreciates someone commenting on his lack of genetilia over the internet. Sure shows the immense grapes you've got down there. :worship:
I don't think you understood me, I know his whole act is filled with sarcasm. But he's doing it sooo nerdy that it's really embarassing. This is typical humor for 15 year olds playing nerdy trading card games.
How would you guys react if you didn't know about this guy and he showed up at a Symphony X concert and started talking shit about them.

Now, don't give me any of that bullshit, I would have ignored him and blah blah blah, I am mature unlike the Linkin Park fans.

Now I hate Linkin Park as much as the next guy on these forums, but I am pretty positive your human instincts would take over and you would be shouting obscenities or getting violent in some form, or at least flick the guy off. I can truthfully say if this dude showed up to a concert of a band I liked and started that crap. I would make it my day to tell him to shut the fuck up and go home and do something constructive with his life.

You don't see me going to shopping malls wearing a You're Band Sucks tshirt making fun of every Slipknot, Linkin Park, or P Diddy fan I see there. That is why I think this guy is a big dumb chode.

As much as I hate the mainstream music of today, I got to accept the fact that other people live in this world and they have different tastes in music than me. Sure I give my friends shit about listening to Linkin Park and P Diddy, just as they give me shit for listening to the stuff I do. But thats all in good fun.

To each his own, is a saying we should all live by.
ok... dude... lighten right the fuck up. First of all, if this guy showed up at a symx concert, i would find humor in it EVEN IF he makes fun of music i like and laugh. No bullshit.

Secondly, he is pointing out that most radio music is the shittiest of shit in music, therefore he wouldn't show up at any of those shows. God forbid if he did show up at a symx show because you are right, the majority of progsnobs are so fucking uptight that they would shit themselves.

And if you really think he doesn't accept that other people have different tastes in music, you gotta take a step back man and open your eyes. That has to be the dumbest thing you said.

I think the dude is funny, but i'm not blindly defending him because to be honest, i don't care. The reason i took the time to post this is because you are talking out of your ass. Consider this your buttplug.
theodyssey said:
ok... dude... lighten right the fuck up. First of all, if this guy showed up at a symx concert, i would find humor in it EVEN IF he makes fun of music i like and laugh. No bullshit.

Secondly, he is pointing out that most radio music is the shittiest of shit in music, therefore he wouldn't show up at any of those shows. God forbid if he did show up at a symx show because you are right, the majority of progsnobs are so fucking uptight that they would shit themselves.

And if you really think he doesn't accept that other people have different tastes in music, you gotta take a step back man and open your eyes. That has to be the dumbest thing you said.

I think the dude is funny, but i'm not blindly defending him because to be honest, i don't care. The reason i took the time to post this is because you are talking out of your ass. Consider this your buttplug.

Calm down man.
COBSteele02 said:
How would you guys react if you didn't know about this guy and he showed up at a Symphony X concert and started talking shit about them.

Now, don't give me any of that bullshit, I would have ignored him and blah blah blah, I am mature unlike the Linkin Park fans.

Now I hate Linkin Park as much as the next guy on these forums, but I am pretty positive your human instincts would take over and you would be shouting obscenities or getting violent in some form, or at least flick the guy off. I can truthfully say if this dude showed up to a concert of a band I liked and started that crap. I would make it my day to tell him to shut the fuck up and go home and do something constructive with his life.

Actually, believe it or not, some of us *are* able to pick up on sarcasm.

Thanks for making assumptions about me though. I'm impressed at your ability to know exactly how I would react in said situation. You mind readers never cease to amaze me. :worship:
COBSteele02 said:
How would you guys react if you didn't know about this guy and he showed up at a Symphony X concert and started talking shit about them.

Now, don't give me any of that bullshit, I would have ignored him and blah blah blah, I am mature unlike the Linkin Park fans.

Now I hate Linkin Park as much as the next guy on these forums, but I am pretty positive your human instincts would take over and you would be shouting obscenities or getting violent in some form, or at least flick the guy off. I can truthfully say if this dude showed up to a concert of a band I liked and started that crap. I would make it my day to tell him to shut the fuck up and go home and do something constructive with his life.

You don't see me going to shopping malls wearing a You're Band Sucks tshirt making fun of every Slipknot, Linkin Park, or P Diddy fan I see there. That is why I think this guy is a big dumb chode.

As much as I hate the mainstream music of today, I got to accept the fact that other people live in this world and they have different tastes in music than me. Sure I give my friends shit about listening to Linkin Park and P Diddy, just as they give me shit for listening to the stuff I do. But thats all in good fun.

To each his own, is a saying we should all live by.

Get over it. He may be doing it in some nerdy way but it's for his own fun. Accept it. And if I were at a concert and someone came up to me telling me that Symphony X or Rush sucks ... I wouldn't care. No bullshit. I'm a sarcastic smartass myself, and could really care less when another talks smack, to me or about my habits. In fact if they do a good job of it I'm bound to congratulate them and perhaps buy them a drink.
Notice I admitted to being a sarcastic and even an opinionated smartass, but people that know me will know not to take me serious. It's all in good fun.
COBSteele02 said:
How would you guys react if you didn't know about this guy and he showed up at a Symphony X concert and started talking shit about them.

Now, don't give me any of that bullshit, I would have ignored him and blah blah blah, I am mature unlike the Linkin Park fans.

Now I hate Linkin Park as much as the next guy on these forums, but I am pretty positive your human instincts would take over and you would be shouting obscenities or getting violent in some form, or at least flick the guy off. I can truthfully say if this dude showed up to a concert of a band I liked and started that crap. I would make it my day to tell him to shut the fuck up and go home and do something constructive with his life.

You don't see me going to shopping malls wearing a You're Band Sucks tshirt making fun of every Slipknot, Linkin Park, or P Diddy fan I see there. That is why I think this guy is a big dumb chode.

As much as I hate the mainstream music of today, I got to accept the fact that other people live in this world and they have different tastes in music than me. Sure I give my friends shit about listening to Linkin Park and P Diddy, just as they give me shit for listening to the stuff I do. But thats all in good fun.

To each his own, is a saying we should all live by.

As I said I like Evenescence but it doesn't bother me that he makes fun of them. I like a few Dimmu Borgir songs and I make fun of them all the time. and the guys in my band make fun of SX constantly, even though we are all die-hard fans.

Knowing how to take a joke is quite a valuable trait to have.