You know, I never believed


Active Member
Jun 12, 2011
the rumor that Joey wears a wig until now. I came across this pic on Facebook. The hairline where his "sideburns" should be, what the hell?


Keep in mind I'm a Joey fan, I just remember there was a debate over his hair on here sometime last year :lol:
I'm 110% positive it's not a wig. And honestly, Joey isn't the type of person who would really care if he was losing his hair, he wouldn't be one to cover the fact up.

I too love that shirt...
To be fair (whatever that means in this case), awhile back I thought Joey was wearing a wig but more recently and especially after seeing them this time around have realized that fake hair doesn't look like his does when you sweat onstage and that for as many times as he puts on and takes off a hat during a show a wig would've fallen off. I wouldn't put it past him to dye it but who hasn't done that. I certainly have dyed my hair all sorts of colors at one point or another.
Great T!!

Top 5 Anthrax band related issues:
1- Robs Beanie and his purple guitar
2- Joeys hair
3- Joeys '80's vocals
4- Frank shit rant
5. Scott & Charlie are not good businessmen
I think the "Joey's 80's vocals" topic went away with WM, he doesn't sound dated at all on this record and killed it. As far as Rob's beanie I sure as hell wouldn't wear it on stage but I'm not much on fashion or giving a fuck about fashion. He plays wicked leads and is a phenomenal producer so that's what I care about.
So, if Joey's not wearing a wig, what are we seeing in that pic? I don't really care if he's bald or not, but the pic seems to show something.
I'm pretty sure it's just a combination of shaven sides and a sweaty head. He may have hair extensions or something like that, but seems to me that baldness is not an issue with Joey. Poor Scott, he's now the only guy in the band with bad hair. :(

I also love the shirt.
I saw Joey about a month ago. He shaved the sides of his head. Didn't give me a reason why, said he just felt like doing it. It did take me aback when I saw it though. lol.

I dig that tee, too.