You released the fu!@*! fury!!!


Mar 25, 2005
I just got a hold of this mp3 with yngwie getting really pissed off in an airplane. It happened a long time ago but I just found the clip and thought it was friggin' hilarious! :tickled:

Yngwie Tokyo Flight

You see Chris, you should be careful when you're flying home from those big festivals or you might end up on tape like Yngwie. :D
I've always been under the impression, that it was "You unleashed the fookin fury" but I listened to again, and it's definatley "released"
Zac said:
I've always been under the impression, that it was "You unleashed the fookin fury" but I listened to again, and it's definatley "released"

Yeah, so was I. Everywhere you read about it they always say unleashed. :hotjump:
Check this out:
mms:// ----- Good ol' Yngwie. :headbang: :headbang:
Screw all the clever marketing taglines...
How about boxers that say

1. Touch my weiner
2. Why don't you check out my balls...they're pretty cool.