- Apr 17, 2010
- 468
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- 16
Cover of Alex Hutching's tune , any guitar players ought to check him out if you haven't already .
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For my fix of 15 year old girls playing guitar I still think this girl's my favorite.
Well that's nice and all, but I still have yet to see any of these girl guitarists create any original music that I've actually wanted to listen to. Key word here being ORIGINAL. You can sit and play covers of some of the most technical, mind bending, finger shredding shit ever created, but you're still playing someone else's music, someone else's self expression, which frankly renders the whole thing redundant for me personally. *Shrug*
probably violin lessons since age 2, and then the man in the park who offered her candy turned out to be guthrie govan. :zombie:
I can only comment on the clips I posted and I would not expect a young girl to
have developed her own musical voice at the age she is . What she does show is great feel, touch, technique and an understanding of the instrument way beyond her years . You are what you eat musically and she is absorbing some heavy weight playing already . I thought she displayed a little more than just a novelty chick playing guitar thing .....
Instant 200k views and 99,6% of the comments are either sexual innuendos or straight up asskissing.
Although to say.. a few of them actually plays pretty kickass, but most of them suck straight up shit.
(Can't watch teh vids right now, at werk)