Your 3 Craziest Parties


† Followed the Reaper †
Mar 23, 2005
This is a thread where you can tell about 3 parties you've had where lots of cool shit happened. I'll let somebody else start.
Me and my friends put fire crackers on this guys porch lit them up and ran. 10 minutes later we get caught. But we manage to get out of it. My best friend and this other guy tried to smoke dried leave(those retards). Then at my best friends house he catch his brother doing it with his girlfriend. wasn;t really a party just a huge sleepover.
i've had many crazy parties, most of them, i couldn't control my hormones. i havent partied like that in over two years, and i intend to keep it that way.
Back when I shared a house with my two best friends, one night on impulse we ordered 15 lbs of banana runts online. To celebrate with through a party called the Banana-Rama and it wound up being the craziest party ever (for our standards anyways).

Highlights include.

-Lesbians having sex on my bed...with me in it
-Waking up drunk to two girls flashing me outside my window and then proceeding to do my best "Count" impression. "UH ONE, UH TWO, UH THREE, UH FOUR! FOUR BOOBS! AH AH AH AH AH!
-about 17 people crammed onto my bedroom watching porn
-6 people puking in the Koi pond at once
-drunk people falling into the Koi pond
-a girl losing her virginity to a guy she just met in my bathroom
Back when I shared a house with my two best friends, one night on impulse we ordered 15 lbs of banana runts online. To celebrate with through a party called the Banana-Rama and it wound up being the craziest party ever (for our standards anyways).

Highlights include.

-Lesbians having sex on my bed...with me in it
-Waking up drunk to two girls flashing me outside my window and then proceeding to do my best "Count" impression. "UH ONE, UH TWO, UH THREE, UH FOUR! FOUR BOOBS! AH AH AH AH AH!
-about 17 people crammed onto my bedroom watching porn
-6 people puking in the Koi pond at once
-drunk people falling into the Koi pond
-a girl losing her virginity to a guy she just met in my bathroom

All of that is epic except the girl losing the virginity thing. I am very vigilant at parties to make sure drunk assholes don't take advantage of drunk girls. But whatever, not like it was your fault :lol:
There is this one party I always remember. It was during my 2nd year at university. I was in technical university where 85 % students were male and most of the parties were Sauna evenings with mixed sauna (everyone naked of course). It was winter and everyone where totally shit faced as usually. This time there were three Italian male exchange students who were at their first Sauna evening. So first they were drinking them selfs totally wasted to get courage to go sauna, then in the sauna they realized that omg there is totally naked Finnish women in the sauna and well, we all could see their excitement...All guys were like "yewww, fuck of, go cool down to the snow or something" and girls were laughing. Two Italians went to run around sauna in a snow (that was also something that we did always, run around sauna naked) and one decided to do "something" in the shower. Rest of the party is bit blurry...

I have been thinking afterwards that it would have been interesting to hear stories that those Italians told when they got back home. Because when there was only Finns in the Sauna everyone always behaved, always.

Another crazy party was at also in the university. It was party for couple of thousands people and it was held in bomb shelter below the university buildings. There was some Finnish band playing, can't remember which one. There was one separate are for puking only. Actually these parties were held four time per year but first time I went there was memorable, my friend and I were drinking pisang ambon and milk (don't ask why...) and we some how got tagged along with some insiders from fraternity kind of social clubs who had special access cards to get around the university buildings. So there we were two freshman girls drinking with older guys some where at the university and totally missed the actual party at the bomb shelter. We were definitely in the inner circle after that first party...and now I'm married with one of those guys :)
#1 definitely this year's night parade, there was this one dude following us around all the time in his costume, it was horrible. Then my frined and I went into this one bar and I talked with the bar tender about his piercings and that my frined would love to touch them and stuff. After that was some guy i think and the two of us walking back to her mum's car more than drunk and making photos afterwards (worst idea ever! :erk: ).

Second one definitely Paul's cumpleaños, we had so much fun, he was showing everyone his boxers, we rode on a wooden horse and the best thing was him eating his kebab in the toilet. And there was stuff involving mudd and Aldi- bags and guys dancing on the table but not that interesting :rolleyes:

Number three, hmm, probably Iida's birthday, it was crazy to see people getting drunk from just a little bit of Bols and Sprite! Yeah, and a long conversation with my friend about ahving sex with Finns and Russians and which one is better, don't ask :p
:lol: wtf, im a great partier :p i went to this one where we were smoking all night and there was this hobo that we were chasing around our yard :lol:

That not a party, thats a wensday afternoon, mixed with a stroll through town. :p.

Im not much of a big partier, most really I've done that was crazy is firecrackers + Dishwasher hilarity, seeing someone try to jump a car on a skateboard and failing rather hilariously. Most parties I go to are no more than 40 people.
There are only two rules: no glass bottles and no staring in the sauna. :lol: May I ask which university were you in? The bombshelter-parties do sound familiar, but they're not held 4 times a year anymore. At least not in my university, I think.

I was in the Tampere University of Technology :kickass:.