Your band of the deceased


I have the power
Apr 14, 2001
Brisbane, Australia

Form a band made up of deceased singers and musicians. Don't just choose the best individual musicians but instead try to come up with what could be a REALLY good band that would sound great together.

Make it singer/guitarist/guitarist/bassist/drummer. Maybe a keyboard dude if you feel like it.

My band:

Vocals: Freddie Mercury
Guitars: Criss Oliva
Guitars: Randy Rhoads
Bass: Phil Lynott (cos he's the only decent deceased bass player I can think of - although I'm sure someone will suggest a really obvious one)
Drums: Randy Castillo
Vocals: ???
Guitar: Randy Rhoads
Bass: Cliff Burton (thanks Karyn ;) )
Drums: Cozy Powell

I can't think of anyone for vocals. But with Randy, Cliff and Cozy I think you'd have some pretty technical, classically-inspired crankin' metal!
I struggled to come up with a singer. I settled for Freddie though cos he could be pretty rockin', and because I don't think Bon Scott would suit the others.
Had to go back and change this after I remembered Chuck and Buddy!

Vocals/Guitar: Chuck Schuldiner
Guitar: Dimebag
Bass: Cliff Burton
Drums: Buddy Rich

mmmmm now Buddy had some of the fastest hands ever seen
Is Criss Olivia dead? When and how did this happen?

Not that I've heard any Savatage, but I've heard of them so I'm curious.

Any band composed of musos no longer with us would have to include Eric Carr and Ray Gillen, perhaps with John Entwhistle on bass and Tommy Bolin on guitar.

He died after Edge of Thorns, back in the early 90s - car crash. :(

I knew you'd mention John Entwhistle. :) I too was going to say Tommy Bolin but I prefer Oliva and Rhoads.
How did the Vaginal Carnage guy die, Koich? I read he died, but it didn't say how. Was only pretty recently. :(
Vocals - Freddie Mercury
Guitar - Randy Rhoads
Guitar - Dimebag
Bass - Cliff Burton
Drums - John Bonham or Keith Moon... wouldn't really suit the band, but I'm no drummer and they were both awesome.

*go the most obvious list in the world*