your bands

I got a punk rock band, i dont know how some of you people fell about punk rock, but id say we are not yoru average bullshitty punk rock band. I mean, come on, Rancid spoke up for us. Thats gotta tell you people something about us. We are called The Vex. Our website is down right now, and i dont know why, our bass player is in charge of it. when it gets back up. check out the MP3's they are pretty good. We're a different type of punk rock. Take ACDC attitude, and get unique music, and well, im starting to learn how to be able to put fast, metal style solos in the mix, but yeah, id say we are good, Ask Kitty. PM me your Aim/MSN/Yahoo/ICQ so i can send you a song.
he he cool. its always so wonderful to see the young people of today expressing themselves through music....ehhh back in the day we knew how to really let loose though. I dont need no pants to know how to ROCK! :yell:

yeah actually im in a band playing rhythm guitar. change of pace from bass duties. were called darkness momentanea. the style is well....i dont know really. best description i can come up with is brutal powermetal. :)
As most of you know i'm a guitarist. I got a "metal" band. This is some pic of the last friday's gig.



:lol: :rock:
I am involved with absolutely nothing, at the moment. I haven't been in a band for about two and a half years. The last band that I was in, we did a battle of a bands and got first place. In doing so, we got offered a record deal but regretfully declined for the fact that we were not ready. Well, we broke up/I moved........haven't been in a band since then. I have been just writing material on my own, by myself.
I'v got a power/black/thrash/heavy/death metal band. well not a band YET but Its me on guitar and a keyboard player that has been playing for 18 years. He is fucking insane!!!!!!!!! Weve got 5 songs, been playing together for 2 months maybe.
I have an offer to play in a more goth/death/punk band right now; but the travel distance is a bit far and I don't feel I am up for playing shows this soon to tell you the truth. Musicially I enjoy listening, but it's not totally my thing. Might be helping my bf out with some of his goregrind stuff though, just as sort of a session person. :D I had some bands in high school and such; was guitar in one, bass in one and the fill-in drummer for one. (I tinkered with a lot of instruments back in the day.) I do want to get into something, though. I have access to a kit now at least(my friends, but soon I shall have my own; I know, not even my own kit; but living in apartments for years will do that. You learn neighbors hate drummers more than they do barking dogs.) At least my new living arrangement is much better and I can pick one out again(go with what I used to play on with the old band; Tama.)
I'm in a band but it's coming along pretty slowly. I mean, I'm REALLY proud of the stuff we wrote, and I think that if we wanted to, we could be one of the best bands in the metal scene, but we're looking for a drummer, and just got a new bassist. It's really neo-classical/power metal influenced stuff with death metal vocals and really catchy riffs. Makes you think Bodom but it doesn't sound much like Bodom. Give me a message if you want a guitar pro tab of a song.
Serge... said:
I'm in a band but it's coming along pretty slowly. I mean, I'm REALLY proud of the stuff we wrote, and I think that if we wanted to, we could be one of the best bands in the metal scene, but we're looking for a drummer, and just got a new bassist. It's really neo-classical/power metal influenced stuff with death metal vocals and really catchy riffs. Makes you think Bodom but it doesn't sound much like Bodom. Give me a message if you want a guitar pro tab of a song.