Your bottom 5

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Mar 2, 2007
Can be music, people, things that people do.

I just want to see how similar and different people are.

Mine would be

-1) The stereotypes of Spanish and Latin American people and the people who think they are true. I'm half Spanish, Colombian to be exact and I'd punch anyone in the face if they called me a drug dealer.

0) This one kid at my school who would make fun of Jimi Hendrix, and he was strumming an air guitar and making fun of him but the funny part was he was strumming at his neck :lol:. And I looked at him and shook my head. He said Jimi was a dipshit who just did drugs when he knew I idolized him. The bastard.

1) Emo's, Preps and the stupid labels themselves.

2) The fact that where I live its hard to find a girl who likes good music.

3) Poser posers, people who say they are something when they aren't and don't even put in any effort to make it convincing.

4) People who don't even try to appreciate music.

5)Guys who only play guitar to attract girls.
Like this one popular guy at my school, he was playing with this band that was playing Sum 41 songs in the talent show, I had heard the songs they played several times before. So this popular guy tells everyone "I'm playing guitar" thinking he's so cool. And he played the most Simple rhythm guitar I had every seen, I could play it the first time I held a guitar. The popular guy lost track in the middle of a song when he was playing the same thing over and over and he was looking at his hand the whole time. He was probably a beginner and he wanted to get attention when he sucked. Thats how you tell the retards apart from normal people, the normal people know they suck and care about it and get better but the guys who want to attract girls just think learning a song is all it takes.
I've known jackasses like that...and its really sucks because they usually succeed in getting ass (which is the main reason for doing it after all).

5. America and its political system - do I really need to into depth?

4. My family history (i.e. I have none :()

3. The fact that a couple people I met yesterday, who are my age, are already making $150,000 a year, don't have to pay taxes, and have their own apartments for which they also don't have to pay for (including utilities).

2. People, I just can't fucking stand them.

1. general.

0. Music, or should I say, people that I can't make it with....and in my area that is everybody. The few metalheads here can't get off their asses to get a project going (or even a practice!).

-1. Women - you can all kiss my ass (unless I think you're a decent human being that is).

-2. Men - you're all jackasses, fuck you.

-3. Philosophy - I have three degree's now, and after studying philosophy for eight or nine years now...I can't fucking stand most writers. What really pisses me off though is the writing style employed...if you can't get your ideas across to the layman, then what is the fucking point? Also, I really hate the philosophy forum here on UM...only three decent posters, the rest are utter shit (nitpick this semantically or epistemically, I really don't give a damn right now).
I agree on many points mentioned.

People - Generally, I hate about 99.9% of people.

Women - I personally find women to be very disappointing. As if there isn't enough whores, sluts and prostitutes in this world...I wish I could at least just meet some who isn't like or one who isn't so easlily impressionable enough to actually want to be herself. I can't go anywhere without seeing skanks, and online the amount of women who post tasteless pics of themselves is just disgusting. I just don't understand...

Men - I agree, there is a lot of jerks and the fact that there is enough skanks to satisfy them only gives them more reason to play up their ego. I basically hate all "alpha-males."

Life, the Sun, religion, labels, ignorance, mainstream-minded people, and society's influences are all things I strongly dislike.
As if there isn't enough whores, sluts and prostitutes in this world...I wish I could at least just meet some who isn't like or one who isn't so easlily impressionable enough to actually want to be herself. I can't go anywhere without seeing skanks, and online the amount of women who post tasteless pics of themselves is just disgusting. I just don't understand...

sometimes, when you see the way some women dress, its like their clothes were screaming "rape me, i love it" :zombie:
And most of those who have awfull clothes are dumb...
5. Anything Country Music.
4. People with no sense of humor.
3. Drama. Any kind. Be it at work, home, whatever, wherever. It's really gay.
2. Lazy people.
1. My back hurts. I'm getting old. Damn.
eh...let me see.

5) yet to start driving yet but i hate people who give the driver dirty looks or the finger...ect., even they may have just cut them off or hit them in the bumper at a legal red light.

4)sour milk, actually sour anything. except sour skittles.

3)when stuff breaks or falls apart, plain and simple. it just sucks.

2)annoying people who think playing dumb will get them friends and dates. (you have to understand i just graduated 8th grade)and/or kids whose parents are too stupid to realize that they are raising their kids to be little clingy idiots who get too much too often...(i dunno)

1)life in general really, not to be 'emo' or anything, you're born, you grow up, you may do some things that effect the lives of 0 to 1,000,000 or more some odd people, you continually get older, more stuff happens, and then you die...and inbetween all of that you have to deal with a bunch of junk.

but that's just me. i dunno.
sometimes, when you see the way some women dress, its like their clothes were screaming "rape me, i love it" :zombie:
And most of those who have awfull clothes are dumb...


My list:
1 People
2 Women
3 Men
4 Society
5 Stupid people
I think we see a trend here. People are too busy pretending for each other that barely anyone seems to actually like the image that they portray and everyone hates themselves, as they should. They also avoid thinking and using the intellect that must be buried somewhere in them. This disgusts me. Women in particular complain too much about things they never attempt to fix and never accept the blame for anything; also, most women are whores, and I despise whores. Men tend to like whores and think with their genitals, and this makes them no better.
I think it's silly to say "I hate people in general". There are lots of stupid people and lots of people doing stupid and annoying things, but unless you start differentiating, you're probably not the solution, but part of the problem.

#1: I definitely despise people who hide their opinion, or dont have one in the first place, because it's generally less of a hassle. If you have no opinion, you cant disagree with anyone..

#2: Egoistic people, who believe their needs and plans are the only that matter in the world.

#3: Drama Queens. Just go die please. kthx.

#4: Drama football or unfair football, dives, unfair tackles, whining to the ref.. generally typical for italian players like Inzaghi for example.

#5: Religion and fanatically religious people. Self explanatory
5. Clowns.
4. People who immediately think your a 'goth' due to the clothes you wear.
3. Turned on plug-switches with no plug inside them.
2. Long finger nails.
1. The emo fad.


Living this early on in humanities development

Attention whores

Those people who think it's cool to stand around at night in groups and start fights with single people

Attention whores

Most Emo's are attention whores. They think that people will feel sorry for them and then they can't see that they look stupid to everyone.

I think I probably look stupid to a certain group of people but that group looks stupid to me. I changed schools towards the end of the year and I had to wake up an hour earlier (when I could barely wake up before that) and I was so tired my eyes were almost always half open. And the popular kids spread a rumor that I was on drugs.

They can't even call me druggie or anything to my face which is funny, when one of them finally does I'll say "Congratulations you said it to my face, that makes you less of a dipshit".
Most Emo's are attention whores.

Seeing as the term 'emo' seems to be used to basically describe how certain people dress, making generalizations like this is dumb. The whole 'I hate emos' shit is stupid.

I have plenty of friends who if you saw pictures of them you would consider them 'emo', they are not attention whores.
Even if emo were to strictly relate to a sense of fashion, the fact of the matter is that the majority of said "emo's" dress that way because it indeed the "in-thing" to do (rather than joining because of a lifestyle for example). Joining into a large trend is like joining an organization that promotes some aspect of life that you (usually) agree with. For example, you don't just join a church because of the overall teachings, you join because it has specific views on certain thoughts, actions, creeds, etc.

In turn, many people who are considered "emo" become so because they too have some part of them that agrees with the values or aesthetics promoted by the movement. However, if most are just hopping on the band wagon (which is usually the case with mainstream trends), then it is usually justifiable in some way to most people to bash said stereotype - that is, if you realize said stereotype doesn't apply to the whole population. I personally don't expect DingGoesTheSquidBell to write a damn treatise on how emo's suck, I could care less. All he is doing is presenting his opinion on the majority of asshats at large; after all, he's merely discussing the correlation between a gigantic panty wearing airbrushed face trend that will die out within the decade and how they like to show off to other people/whine/dress like retards.


At least attention whores have individuality, unlike the mass marketed emo surplus of shitty hair and tight "chicken leg" pants.
Emo is not just a way of dressing. What you said doesn't make sense.

Well you guys can believe what you like and do as much emo bashing as makes you happy but, around here anyway, it is 99% just a way people dress. Making judgements upon people because of their appearance is stupid.
Seeing as the term 'emo' seems to be used to basically describe how certain people dress, making generalizations like this is dumb. The whole 'I hate emos' shit is stupid.

I have plenty of friends who if you saw pictures of them you would consider them 'emo', they are not attention whores.

Where I'm from its a way people dress and act, and I have friends who are labelled as Emo so I don't just consider them that. And by saying "most" I didn't mean all. And what I mean by I hate Emo's is the kind of people who think they're depressed, I don't hate everyone who wears a Hawthorne Heights T shirt, only the ones who bitch about little things.

The word "Emo" is like a thread-leech, when it is said once in a thread it completely derails the topic.

Making judgements upon people because of their appearance is stupid.

No offense but you're kind of doing that, you thought of me as some person who hated everyone who dressed a certain way just because I said something about MOST (not all) Emo's which is just an opinion I have.

Fuck now its making me, the thread starter derail the topic
Back to the fucking thread subject:-

1. People who deny Global Warming
2. People who say Global Warming exists, but do nothing about it.
3. People who call ME a crazed "greenie" because I beleive in Global Warming.
4. People who think the world is out to get them. It's not. Get over it.
5. People who try to force their opinion on you without giving a reason. Whether it be religion, music or food, it's the same thing.
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