Your expectations about new Bloodbath album

Jun 5, 2004
What do you want to hear on the new album? Make comparisons to the tracks from "Resurrection..." - I would like for example to hear tracks in vein of "Cry My Name", "Trail Of Insects", doomy "Soulcollector" - stuff like that. Heavy, hellish, evil in all the way :Smokedev:
I'm keeping an open mind about it. I know there are new members and the lineup has changed, so the sound is going to obviously be different.

whatever comes out, I'm sure it'll kick ass though
it's gonna fucking own us all ;o

i expect it to be pretty different, cause of the new members ,and the song names seem to indicate they're maturing and becoming a real band.
I hope that it meets Dan Swano's promises about it kicking more ass than RTC.

I hope that [musically speaking] it punches right into one's stomach and rips out their innards [as opposed to the saying 'a punch in the gut']
Peter Tägtgren is a good vocalist, but he's no M. Åkerfeldt :( gonna miss him in Bloodbath, of course Opeth is more important, but anyways...

I'd like songs like Cry My Name (which is to me the BEST song on RTC), and perhaps a little more variation. I'm excited :)
I'm expecting a great album of death metal, and maybe a bit more serious this time, after reading the sayings of mr Nyström and Swanö. Also I think the band needed a line-up change, Mikael has Opeth, and obviously no desire to have any other band (hell, he even rejected morbid angel back in the day)
My best friend heard a sound clip form the new album and said it sounds like arabic tr00 metal. I'm excited.
I expect the 2nd best album of 2004. (The Crown being my favorite band and they will release Crowned Unholy.. which will take 1st place)
It will probably be a bit different but I like Peter Tägtgren and Dan Swanö can't really be in a band that sounds bad so I'm sure I won't be disappointed.