Your favs on TGOTE

Bass Fellow

Feb 7, 2002
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Once everyone listens to it a few X what stands out to ya? Since I was there when they were first released the old recordings the new ones are just in my face. Something that might be taken for granted. The downtuning in KIITF rules. Rob shredding in Indians. Panic will always cover all bases and be one of the best metal tunes of all time. Not sure where the whammy bars went in Madhouse but like the way it started out as does N Fuckin' L. Can't say enough about Charlie. He RULES. John singing A.I.R. Omigod! Nice and tight for two days worth of studio time. Keepin' it real .:worship:
I've only really listened to it about once so far, but the intro to Among kicks ass, Deathrider is kickass (never heard it before, don't know if I care to hear the original now) Keep it in the Family is heavy as hell, NFL rules, Be All rules, Gung Ho is a million miles an hour, so far after one listen, so good. The whole damn thing is so frickin heavy! Can't wait to hear In My World.
I cannot believe how good Keep It In The Family sounds. Frankie's bass rumbles through it like a motherfucker.

Also Panic and Gung-Ho, probably mainly cause we haven't heard them with Bush before.
Gung Ho so far, Deathrider is great , never had FOM. LJ is a great surprise. And I like every thing on the album. Need to crank it over the weekedn :hotjump:
Bush's voice flows with the music so much better than Belladona's. My fav's are Keep it in the family and N.F.L.
I love the way they start Madhouse. It's probably my favorite song on the album right now. The Be All End All intro is really good too.

Does anyone know the significance of that backwards bit that plays before Lone Justice (U.S. version)?
Keep it in the Family was never one of my favorite Thrax songs but the TGO2E version kicks ass! That and Panic are probably my 2 favorites on this one but the whole thing is great.
all 3 FFOM songs, Among, Gung Ho and Keep it in the Family. I still think theres too many songs from MOMD on here so the songs that werent on MOMD are pretty much my faves on GOTE. :)
Todd said:
Does anyone know the significance of that backwards bit that plays before Lone Justice (U.S. version)?
it's a snippet of LONE JUSTICE backwards... it's to get us alllllllllllll riled up and be like, "THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS!" and then the real version starts. and while you listen to it, you gotta try to glue and tape all of your anthrax stuff back together.
I fuckin' love "Keep It In The Family," "Among The Living," "NFL," "Lone Justice," and "Madhouse" the most I think. However, that always changes because every track fucking rules. I'm really glad they did this!
Steve M said:
it's a snippet of LONE JUSTICE backwards... it's to get us alllllllllllll riled up and be like, "THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS!" and then the real version starts. and while you listen to it, you gotta try to glue and tape all of your anthrax stuff back together.

Its all that damn Lone Justice posse/groups fault...they made Anthrax mad!! Thats why Charlie said that about Justin in his last BB on the site.